Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1324: not waiting

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"You are daydreaming, my grandson has a much higher status than your little slut!" The old lady was even more angry, and even dared to compare with her grandson.

Even the eldest grandson, who has been abandoned, is more respectable than Meng Liyan, a woman outside the house, in the eyes of the old lady.

"Just your useless grandson who **** D? The ghosts are more handsome than him, and your two sons, one gambling, the other whoring, and the other are still old and raised by their parents. You want to compare such a waste dim sum with me as a college student? I see you're daydreaming!"

Meng Liyan, who no longer swallowed her voice, was very articulate, and after a few words, the old lady was out of breath and rolled her eyes.

Everyone outside heard the movement, but Huo Ziyue, the grandson of the big house, didn't even want to move. He was addicted to D. He could still get D-grade abroad, but he couldn't get it here.

Huo Ziyue yawned a few times, his eyes were full of tears, and his whole body felt uncomfortable, as if there were 100 million ants digging in his heart, even standing, sitting, and lying down were very uncomfortable.

He glanced lazily into the room, didn't want to move, kept smoking, and now he can only rely on this to satisfy his cravings.

When Uncle Huo and Erbo Huo entered the house, they saw their mother and Meng Liyan confronting each other. They didn't know what was going on, so they scolded Meng Liyan, "You who don't understand the rules, how dare you disrespect your mother and don't kneel down. !"

Meng Liyan laughed angrily, turned around and left, she didn't serve her anymore!

It happened that Huo Xiu and the old man came back, and Meng Liyan bumped into them, tears welling up all at once, she didn't speak, she just cried aggrievedly.

The old lady's scolding sounded in the room, "I don't care about things that don't have rules at all. She has to be mad at me. Boss, go to your father and come back to do justice!"

Huo Xiu frowned, Meng Liyan's embarrassment explained the problem, it must be the old woman who is acting as a demon again.

The old woman used to torment his mother, but now she came to torment his daughter again, and he didn't serve him anymore.

"Father, mother's temper is getting more and more arrogant. You have to persuade her."

Huo Xiu gave his daughter a wink, and the father and daughter went upstairs directly, letting Mr. Huo deal with it.

"Dad, my grandmother called me a little slut, and said that I was inferior to the maid next to her, and even scolded my father, but I was angry and only contradicted a few words, I... I'd better go kowtow and apologize, Dad, don't be angry. "

Meng Liyan cried and said the reason for the incident, and pretended to apologize, but was stopped by Huo Xiu.

"Don't worry about her, go to school tomorrow."

Huo Xiu has a gloomy face~www.readwn.com~ The dead old woman used to toss her mother like this. Every day she made her to make rules. In the morning, she had to get up before dawn to serve, and she could only stand while eating. Xiaotong, his mother couldn't sleep all night, and she had to be there 24 hours a day.

If it weren't for this old woman's tossing, his mother's body would not have stepped so fast, and thanks to his mother's humiliation and burden, he was able to enter the family tree.

But the price was the mother's body. After the father and Dafang went abroad, his mother had been lingering on the sick bed, and the soup and medicine continued, but it still didn't last a few years, but luckily he went early, otherwise his mother's body would not be able to go to the countryside. labor.

Meng Liyan breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't need to serve the wicked old woman.

Meng Liyan also cooked dinner. She was not very good at cooking, so she could barely cook it. The color and aroma were irrelevant. Huo Xiu couldn't eat it at all. The others were fine. There are meat, fish and eggs, and the standard of living is much better than that of foreign countries.

"I haven't eaten such a delicious chicken for a long time." Uncle Huo drank a bowl of chicken soup and was very satisfied.

Huo Xiu frowned, and his suspicions grew.

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