Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1332: It's not easy to raise three excellent waste residues

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Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly, admiring the directness of the old man. Compared with the scumbag's stickiness, the old scumbag is more airy, but he still won't return the property.

"Actually, I'd rather hear what my grandfather has to say."

Huo Jinzhi led the first army instead.

The old man's expression didn't change, he poured a cup of tea slowly, took a sip, and sighed, "I haven't had such good tea for a long time."

"Drink more if it's good. I can still afford to invite my grandfather for a few cups of tea." Huo Jinzhi was also polite.

One old, one small and two foxes were playing Tai Chi. After walking around for a long time without getting to the point, Huo Xiu was too lazy to get involved, so he asked the boss to send a few plates of snacks and ate them happily.

Finally taking advantage of Nizi, he must eat more.

In the end, the old man couldn't hold his breath. After all, he was short of money now, so he said, "Those family properties belong to the Huo family. It's not good for you to hold them alone, and you should redistribute them."

"Is it allotted to the big house?" Huo Jinzhi asked, and added, "And then let the big house fail?"

"Cough cough..."

Huo Xiu choked, and after filling half of the teapot with water, he recovered. He listened with vigor and energy. Did Nizi know something? Could it be that the big house was really defeated?

The old man's calm face finally couldn't hold it back. He didn't expect that Huo Jinzhi had even found out the foreigners. For a while, the old face was a little bit unbearable, but he quickly calmed down and said angrily, "Although your uncle and second uncle are not up to your expectations. Some, but the family will not be unable to live on, those family properties are public property, and it is not appropriate for you to take it alone."

"Grandfather, I forgot to tell you, I know a few of your neighbors abroad." Huo Jinzhi said with a smile, seeing the old man stunned, he was in a good mood.

"The uncle bet, the second uncle prostitutes, the lobby brother is poisonous, whoever gets such a waste will lose, but your grandfather has three. In fact, I still admire you and grandmother. After all, you can raise such three in one breath. The best waste is really not something ordinary people can do."

Huo Jinzhi praised very sincerely, and what he said was the truth.

It's hard to teach people to become talents, and it's actually quite difficult to develop top-quality scum. Like those three scum, it's really not something that ordinary families can raise, and the old man has made great contributions.


Huo Xiu couldn't help laughing out loud. He hurriedly lowered his head, but his shoulders twitched so hard that he couldn't hide his joy now.

Now Huo Xiu sees Nizi very pleasing to the eye~www.readwn.com~ He has never made a profit under the old man, and Nizi can be regarded as venting his anger for him.

He deserves to be like this, and if he fights harder, the old man's health is so good that he can marry the third wife's wife again, and he will definitely not die.

The old man's face was ashen, and he finally believed Huo Xiu's words. This kid was too crazy and didn't take him seriously at all.

"You don't have to say this, even if the big house is not up to par, but I'm not dead yet. I'm the head of the Huo family, and those properties are not yours to hold as a yellow-haired boy."

Huo Jinzhi took a sip of tea and asked slowly, "grandfather is right, but you forgot one thing. When you and grandmother left Songcheng, how did you tell my father?"

"What did I say, don't change the subject." The old man shouted angrily.

Huo Xiu was in high spirits, and he didn't even bother to eat the snacks. He admired Nizi so much.

"Dad, you have a really bad memory, but I can remember it clearly." Huo Xiu's eyes lit up.

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