Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1336: Did someone write you a love letter?

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"Bring the little fat girl to eat. Your grandfather said that you want to talk to the little fat girl. After all, it is your little daughter-in-law, and your grandfather also wants to know more about it. After eating, there is no rush to go to the movies."

Huo Xiu has a good temper and is not angry at all.

He's used to Nizi's bad attitude, and he's not used to it when he looks good at him someday.

Huo Jinzhi's heart moved, the old man had a good relationship with the people in the clan, and if the old man did something wrong and drew Tang Xiaopang's name from the genealogy, it would be troublesome in the future.

It seems that he still has to win over the old man, so he can't offend him.

As soon as his eyes turned, Huo Jinzhi changed his words, "That's fine, I'll take Xiao Nan to dinner tomorrow."

He originally wanted to distance himself from this family, and he didn't want to have any relationship at all, but now he has changed his mind, the old man can win over, and the others... forget it.

"Alright, come early in the evening, I'll let Li Yan buy some good food."

Huo Xiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, he didn't really want the father to be kind and filial to the son, he just wanted the bad son to help teach the big room.

Huo Xiu now deeply feels that the wicked must be worn by the wicked, and he can't do anything about the rogues in the big room. Let Nizi do it!

Tang Xiaonan is actually not too interested in watching movies, but at this time, apart from watching movies, there is no nighttime entertainment.

There is no broadband, no mobile phone, and no Internet cafe KTV. The only spiritual entertainment is watching movies.

"Go to your father's place for dinner? Why do you want me to go, I'm not familiar with them." Tang Xiaonan was not happy when she heard it.

She didn't want to eat at the same table with a group of unappetizing people. She was annoyed when she saw the three wastes in the big room, and Meng Liyan's green tea, none of them were pleasing to the eye.

"It's my grandfather who wants to talk to you, so just sit down for a while and ignore them. I'll show you a movie tonight."

Huo Jinzhi coaxed in a good voice, he also knew that it was difficult for Tang Xiaopang, but in order to prevent the old man from making tricks, he still had to save face.

Tang Xiaonan thought about it, but agreed.

It's rare for a boss to ask for help, so she should go and sit.

"If they provoke me, I will definitely not be polite." Tang Xiaonan was vaccinated in advance, so she would not be false.

"you are welcome."

Huo Jinzhi laughed lightly, his eyes were so spoiled that Tang Xiaonan's face turned red, he turned his head, and his heartbeat was a little faster.

Now it is Fengshen Junlang, with a face as white as jade and delicate eyebrows and eyes, and he feels better than Gu Yunchuan.

Such a rich and handsome ~www.readwn.com~ must be very popular in school, right?

"Have you ever received a love letter at school?" Tang Xiaonan asked curiously.

Although it is still in the 1980s, the atmosphere has opened up a lot, and the 1980s was actually the most prosperous and fertile era in the history of Chinese literature. There were hundreds of flowers competing for research in literature, and many literati who pursued romance emerged.

Therefore, it is very popular among young people nowadays to write poems, and they want to write a poem to express their feelings. Many campuses have also set up poetry clubs to encourage students to write more poems.

Chai Yuxiang has received a lot of love poems with immature writing but true feelings. Fifteen-year-old Chai Yuxiang is tall and slim. Although her eyebrows and eyes are like Tang Laifeng, she is well nutritious and fashionable. She is much prettier than Tang Laifeng when she was young. .

Such Chai Yuxiang is very popular at school, and often receives love letters and small gifts. From time to time, there will be surprises in the desk, chocolate postcards, etc. I don’t know which one gave them. The shy little boys are stupid. There is no name left.

Huo Jinzhi's car almost slipped, he turned his head and stared, and said harshly, "No!"

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