Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1341: GET to chubby cutie

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Tang Xiaonan laughed to herself, she was so stupid, she couldn't even hear the insinuations, it's no wonder that such a stupid head lady couldn't control old man Huo's fascination and gave birth to one son after another.

"Brother Huo, how many children does Grandma Huo have?" Tang Xiaonan asked innocently.

"Two sons and one daughter, three in total." Huo Jinzhi replied.

Tang Xiaonan pointed at the two wastes on the sofa and asked, "Is it them?"

"Yes, it's my uncle and second uncle. Brother Hall is the grandson. According to the law, he actually has the responsibility of support."

The two of them sang together and cooperated seamlessly. No matter how stupid the others were, they could hear the implication at this time, and their faces became ugly.

The old lady's face became gloomy, and before she had time to criticize, Tang Xiaonan asked again, "Brother Huo, isn't your father the son of Grandma Huo?"

Tang Xiaonan's voice was sweet, but it could be heard in the ears of the Huo family, but it was noisier than the sound of a machine.

Huo Xiu was very happy to hear it. He had never liked a dead fat girl as much as he did now. Look at this cooperating, she is indeed the little daughter-in-law of the rebel, she has a tacit understanding.

Huo Jinzhi smiled and said, "Of course not. My father's mother has passed away. He and my uncle and second uncle are half-brothers."

Tang Xiaonan pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "So that's the case. Since Uncle Huo is not Grandma Huo's son, why did she ask Uncle Huo to pay for her? Does her own son have no money?"

Huo Xiu couldn't hold his face anymore, he quickly lowered his head, but his shoulders twitched.

After so many days of grievances, today can be regarded as a sigh of relief. The little fat girl is so eloquent. In fact, if it is not for her poor family background, he still likes this little fat girl.

The old lady's face turned black, she couldn't hold it any longer, and scolded: "Where is the wild girl who is arrogant in my house, and there is no family education, didn't your parents teach you any rules!"

"Sure enough, she is a wild girl from the countryside. She doesn't understand the rules at all. She speaks no matter how big or small, and she can't keep her mouth shut!"

Even a little girl can accuse him, thinking of him as the dignified eldest son of the Huo family, who didn't hold him in Songcheng back then, but now he's reduced to such a level, alas, good luck fooling people!

The innocence on Tang Xiaonan's face immediately subsided, his face sank, and he said unhappily: "My parents taught me well, they taught me not to eat for free, teach me to work diligently, and teach me to be motivated, what do I want? I just make money to buy things myself, Grandma Huo, what do you think my parents taught me wrong?"

"Your parents taught you to talk to your elders like this!" The old lady's face was even more ugly, but she felt that every sentence of this dead girl was connoting her and her son~www.readwn.com~ After all, her two sons are really not diligent , not motivated, but also unable to make money.

But so what, her son is the direct son, Huo Xiu, a bastard, took the property of the Huo family, so he should be filial to them.

"Look, I call you Grandma Huo. I don't even call ordinary old women. Who knows if they are human or ghosts. My mother said that bad people are getting old or bad people. They are called old bad people, and there is no need to respect them."

Tang Xiaonan turned her head, looked at the boss, and asked sweetly, "Brother Huo, am I right?"

"Yes, you don't need to be polite, old rascal, what Xiao Nan said is quite right."

Huo Jinzhi's eyes were doting, and his face was full of smiles. Tang Xiaopang's words were nice, and he liked listening to them.

Huo Xiu was also very happy to hear it. Now, he finally got a bit of the cuteness of a dead fat girl. It's no wonder that Nizi likes it. The little fat girl has a sweet mouth and looks good.

It's just that the band of robbers at home is really bad, especially the bandit mother-in-law.

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