Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1344: Mother Bear 1 litter

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"You are too arrogant. No matter how bad the Huo family is, it will not be your turn to be the head of your concubine's grandson, and to have your spring and autumn dreams!" The old lady cursed loudly.

"I have no interest in the Zhang family. You can disagree, but you can't live here any more. After all, you are the noble family, and we are the lowly commoners. Living here will humiliate your identities. You should go to the Jin Jiang Hotel. stay."

Huo Jinzhi looked at the dumbfounded Huo Xiu and instructed, "Go and book a room at the Jin Jiang Hotel for them without paying a deposit."

Huo Xiu was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little flustered, he was extremely excited. He hurriedly agreed, "I'll book a room now. The manager there knows me very well."

When he said that, he was going to make a phone call, and he could be regarded as kicking out the big room.

The old man was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and shouted angrily, "What hotel do you book? It's like a family staying in a separate hotel, no reservations allowed!"

Huo Xiu, who walked to the phone, shivered. He just picked up the receiver, but he didn't dare to dial it, so he couldn't help but look at Nizi.

Huo Jinzhi's expression was calm, with a slight smile, and said slowly: "Grandfather, they are your wife and son, and you are a family."

"You know shit!"

The angry old man burst into foul language. He really didn't expect Huo Jinzhi to do such an amazing job. Compared with Huo Xiu, his conscience is much better. Why should he be affectionate and righteous to the big house?

Huo Jinzhi didn't have the patience to entangle with these people any more, and said bluntly: "Grandfather doesn't have to show his prestige in front of me, I don't want to eat your way, I'll just say it straight, your wife and son I won't. Of course, my father doesn’t support it either, if the uncles and the second uncles don’t want to go out to work, then grandfather will support them.”

"You have so much property, but you refuse to support your uncle and the others, you... you are a black-hearted thing!"

The old man covered his heart and couldn't breathe. This idiot said so confidently, is his blood cold?

Don't care about affection at all?

Tang Xiaonan couldn't listen to it anymore and couldn't help but say, "Master, your brain is not very good. Brother Huo said a long time ago that he deserves those family properties. You can't ask Brother Huo to help you because he has some money now. It is not Brother Huo's obligation to raise his wife and son."

She paused, but she couldn't hold back, and she choked: "This is the consequence of not giving birth and raising well. If you had disciplined your son well, how would your family be producing three top-quality scum?"

"You...you wild girl is arrogant~www.readwn.com~ The Huo family can't help you to be wild!" The old man was so angry that even the mere yellow-haired girl dared to accuse him of being lawless.

"Xiao Nan is very right. Your grandfather has three mistakes. One is that you marry a wife without marrying a virtuous one. As the saying goes, there is one father and one litter. Maternal genes are very important and seriously affect the IQ of the next generation."

Huo Jinzhi said and glanced at the old lady, but he did not name the old lady and said that the old lady was not virtuous and stupid.

The old lady gasped even louder, her vicious eyes as if she was going to eat people.

Huo Jinzhi added: "Grandfather, your second mistake is that you failed to control the waistband of your trousers, knowing that your wife is not a virtuous person to survive so many lives, you are making garbage."

"The third mistake is not fulfilling the responsibility of education, and turning the garbage into a top-quality scum."

After summing up the three major mistakes, everyone in the room froze.

The big family was angry, and Huo Xiu and his daughter were shocked.

The father and daughter didn't expect Huo Jinzhi to really dare to say it, and they felt a little envious. They also wanted to hate the big room like this, but they didn't have the courage.

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