Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1357: You can eat meat before you chop it up

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Huo Jinzhi frowned, "If you have anything to say, get things done first, and then call your grandmother."

He can't look down on this guy's stubbornness, he can't make up his mind about such a big deal, and Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Gu are married, who knows if the old woman still has Mr. Gu in her heart, in case not Agree too!

If you want to do big things, you have to cut through the mess quickly, and the day lily is cold if you are indecisive.

"But after all, the recipe is from my grandmother." Gu Yunchuan felt that he should talk to his grandmother.

Huo Jinzhi rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "Your grandmother's recipe is right, so you are your grandmother's grandson, right? Your grandmother said to give you the recipe, right?"

"I did." Gu Yunchuan nodded.

"That's okay, the formula is given to you, it's yours, your grandmother is getting older, let her worry less about snacks, you are such an adult, don't be like a three-year-old child, you have to tell adults about big things. ."

Huo Jinzhi really despised this guy. He was afraid of wolves before and tigers later. If he had such a grumpy temperament, the Huo family's property would be out of hand. If he wanted to eat meat, he had to start fast, be quick, but not slow.

Gu Yunchuan's face was flushed with embarrassment. He was two years older than Huo Jinzhi, but far inferior to others.

"Then I'll do it tomorrow."

Gu Yunchuan made up his mind, Huo Jinzhi was right, he really shouldn't let his grandmother worry about everything, and he didn't want his grandfather to take advantage of him, right?

"Do it in time for a year ago. Don't tell your grandmother that if your grandfather doesn't set up a pharmaceutical factory, it's okay not to talk about the patent right." Huo Jinzhi urged.

Gu Yunchuan nodded.

Tang Xiaonan remembered something again and reminded: "The owner of the patent right writes your name, not your grandmother's. If it's your grandmother's, your grandfather has the same right to use it."

Gu Yunchuan nodded again, remembering everything.

That night, Tang Xiaonan and the others all slept here with Gu Yunchuan, Tang Xiaonan and Lou Zhijun shared the same bed, and Huo Jinzhi slept in the guest room.

Lou Zhijun took out the new quilt and put it inside the bed, letting Tang Xiaonan sleep against the wall.

"Sister Lou, when will you and Brother Gu get married?"

After getting into the warm bed, Tang Xiaonan pretended to ask innocently.

Lou Zhijun smiled bitterly, how dare she want to get married, if she could, she just wanted to silently stay by Gu Yunchuan's side and be satisfied to see him well.

But she can't be so selfish, Gu Yunchuan will have a wife and children, she can't destroy his family.

"It's late, go to sleep."

Lou Zhijun didn't want to answer, she closed her eyes and pretended to fall asleep, but she couldn't hide it from Tang Xiaonan, this girl has a very important thing on her mind, which is about feelings.

It doesn't matter~www.readwn.com~ With her little girl Nyukulu here, she will definitely be able to point out the maze.

"Sister Lou, don't you want to marry Brother Gu?" Tang Xiaonan said deliberately.

"No, Xiao Nan, you still don't understand."

Lou Zhijun couldn't hold on anymore, and felt even more bitter. She dreamed of marrying Gu Yunchuan and having children, but she didn't dare.

She also hates being timid, but she just can't take that step.

She was afraid that one day Gu Yunchuan would hate her, so instead of waiting until that day's heartbreak, she might as well not start.

"I see, Sister Lou, you think you're not worthy of Brother Gu because of the birthmark on your face, right?" Tang Xiaonan pointed it out sharply.

This girl is just ashamed of herself.

Lou Zhijun didn't say a word, and a faint sigh sounded in the darkness. After a long time, she said softly: "I'm so ugly, I'm still unknown, like lowly mud, Yunchuan is the cloud in the sky, I can't drag him down."

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