Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1360: be so selfish

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Gu Yunchuan and Huo Jinzhi were also talking, and they were also talking about Lou Zhijun.

"You haven't won Lou Zhijun yet?" Huo Jinzhi looked down on Gu Yunchuan's gruff.

When they were eating hot pot just now, the little actions of these two people couldn't hide it from him. It was obvious that they hadn't done it yet. It was really useless.

Gu Yunchuan looked sad and sighed: "I don't know why Zhijun refused to accept it, maybe I'm not good enough."

"Although you're not particularly good, you're still quite unsatisfactory. Lou Zhijun must have other reasons."

Huo Jinzhi looked at him with disgust, this guy is definitely not comparable to him, but he is not good enough, and he is more than good. Compared with those ordinary dross, Gu Yunchuan is already quite good.

Lou Zhijun is definitely not the reason.

Gu Yunchuan sighed in distress, and said quietly, "The needle in a woman's heart is too difficult to understand."

Huo Jinzhi pouted, that was Lou Zhijun's heart, and his family, Tang Xiaopang, understood it quite well.

The next day, Gu Yunchuan went to handle the patent rights, Lou Zhijun went to the hospital to accompany Chen Qian, and Huo Jinzhi took Tang Xiaonan out to play.

Tang Xiaonan talked about the conversation with Lou Zhijun last night, and wanted the boss to help him decide.

"Unknown person? You can really think of a name for yourself."

The boss frowned. No wonder he refused Gu Yunchuan. Dare to give himself a trick, it's really stupid.

He never believed in fate, even if everyone said he was the fate of Tiangu Shaxing, he didn't believe in this evil.

He is the only one who is sorry for the world, and he cannot let the world be sorry for him.

One has to be so selfish as a human being. Love is the work of an angel, and he is Satan.

"What do you say?" Tang Xiaonan was very distressed.

"Never mind them."

Huo Jinzhi is too lazy to care about these messy things, what if he loves it, anyway, he already has a daughter-in-law, and Gu Yunchuan will be a bachelor all his life.

"Sister Lou and Brother Gu are our friends, how can we ignore it, Brother Huo, you are so smart, please help me to find a way, okay?" Tang Xiaonan was flattering and acting like a spoiled child again, and finally talked to the boss.

Huo Jinzhi thought about it for a while, and then said, "Let Chen Qian treat the disease first, and don't die."

Doesn't Lou Zhijun feel that he has defeated Chen Qian, then let Chen Qian survive, the boss's method is so simple and rude.

"Gu Yunchuan is going to study abroad next year, let him take Lou Zhijun with him, and live together day and night alone, and just give birth to rice..."

Huo Jinzhi didn't say any more, and patted Tang Xiaonan's head, "Don't worry about this, I'll handle it."

He had to discuss some details with Gu Yunchuan~www.readwn.com~ Tang Xiaopang definitely couldn't understand it, so he wouldn't say it.

Tang Xiaonan blinked innocently, but he was complaining in his heart, saying a few words, hum, I wish this guy three sons.

Huo Jinzhi only took her to play for two days, and then he went back to school to take the final exam. After the exam, he took Tang Xiaonan to go around the alleys of the imperial capital and tasted the local specialties, especially the famous all over the country. Tang Xiaonan really can't love it, she still likes to drink salty and fresh soy milk.

Gu Yunchuan's patent right has been applied for, and the owner is him.

Lou Zhijun has been accompanying her in the hospital. According to her, Chen Qian's condition is not very good. She suffered a lot when she was in the Great Northern Wilderness. Later, when she smuggled in, she was injured again. Happened.

Furthermore, Chen Qian himself didn't have much will to survive. Maybe it was his conscience that he wanted to go down and apologize to Lou's mother.

According to Chen Qian's current recovery situation, he will definitely not be able to survive next year.

That evening, Huo Jinzhi took Tang Xiaonan to the hospital, and bought a bag of wilted fruit as a token gift.

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