Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1363: Very big 1 old white lotus

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Tang Xiaonan was actually very curious about the old man of the Gu family. I heard that he was very beautiful when he was young. You can tell by looking at the appearance of Gu Yunchuan and his son, but they are really scumbags.

I don't know if Mrs. Gu still has feelings for her husband now.

There is also Gu Songtao, who is lingering in a sick bed. I don't know how Mr. Gu will feel when he sees such a son.

After saying goodbye to them, Gu Yunchuan got out of the car and went home. He was still looking forward to it. After all, it was his grandfather, and it was the first time he saw him.

The second day after returning home, Xu Jinfeng asked Huo Jinzhi to drive to Gu Village to pick up things, and by the way, send some New Year's goods there.

"Your grandfather slaughtered a pig yesterday and said that he would give half a slice to our family, and he also made a rice cake. Since it's convenient for you to drive, go get it and send it over here."

Xu Jinfeng is so busy doing business this year that she doesn't care about her family. She doesn't raise pigs or chickens. The land is rented to others. In previous years, it was raised by Zhang Manyue. This year, Yang Lijuan gave birth to a child. Zhang Manyue went to Songcheng. Nothing is left.

Fortunately, there is still Xu Jinfeng's family. Grandpa Xu gave half of the pig to his daughter, and he doesn't want any money. There are also 100 catties of rice cakes, all of which are really good things.

Of course, Xu Jinfeng would not ask for it for nothing, and directly paid 500 yuan for filial piety, and it was also 500 yuan for her in-laws. A bowl of water was level, and no one fell.

He also bought some clothes, shoes and snacks, and asked Huo Jinzhi to send them over.


Huo Jinzhi picked up a large bag and stuffed it directly into the trunk. He had nothing to do anyway.

"I'm going to my grandmother's house to play, and I won't be back for lunch." Tang Xiaonan jumped into the car by herself, and hadn't seen her grandparents for a long time.

Tang Aijun also jumped up, he also missed his grandmother.

Xu Jinfeng just let them go, Gu Zi was busy, she just came back to deliver the New Year's goods today, she has to go back to the market in the afternoon, and she has to make more money in time for the new year.

Gu Village is more than ten miles away, and it's just a matter of stepping on the accelerator, and it will arrive soon.

But the car could not enter the village, so it could only park at the entrance of the village. To go to Grandpa Xu's house, we had to pass Gu Yunchuan's house. The gate of Gu's house was open, with red couplets pasted on the door and red lanterns hanging up, which looked very festive.

There was a quarrel in the room, the voice was loud, and it was Mandarin with a little bit of Beijing movies, it sounded like an elderly woman.

"Zhang Xuemei, you killed my son, you are so cruel!"

"Yuan Yujie, don't talk nonsense if you don't have any evidence." Mrs. Gu's voice was calm.

But Tang Xiaonan heard another meaning——

"Yes, it's the old lady who killed your son. Do you have any evidence? If you don't have any evidence, don't be fooled!"

Tang Xiaonan's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help clenching Huo Jinzhi's hand, as if she had heard a great secret.

Gu Songtao is really not the old lady's biological child~www.readwn.com~ and this scumbag is lingering on the sick bed. It is very likely that the old lady did it. The old lady is proficient in medicine, and it is too easy to make people fall ill. .

"Master, look at poor Songtao, I said I can't give it to this poisonous woman, but you won't listen to me, master... I can't live anymore, my heart hurts..."

The woman in the room was crying sadly. It was originally a very sad thing, but Tang Xiaonan wanted to laugh.

What a big white lotus!

It's no wonder that he succeeded in ascending the position, and the man really likes this.

"Yuan Yujie, you don't want to be cheap and still be good. If you didn't keep this unsatisfactory son, can I agree to you on the genealogy? Speaking of which, I am still at a loss. The dragon gives birth to the dragon and the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix. How could the son of the fox be not arrogant?

Your son has caused me a lot of trouble over the years. The only thing he did right was to give birth to a good grandson for me. From this point of view, I took good medicine to prolong his life. He won't be seen for the last time! "

The old lady said slowly, every sentence pierced her heart more than a knife.

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