Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1365: Is your face bigger than your butt?

Gu Changan thought deeply, and after thinking for a while, he came up with an idea. His son could not be saved, and he couldn't fall out with Zhang Xuemei yet. He came back this time to set up a pharmaceutical factory.

He actually returned to China half a month ago, but he didn't look back at the village. Instead, he learned about the situation in Haicheng. The current domestic situation is very good, and it is a good time to invest. He has a convenient status as an overseas Chinese, and there are many preferential policies.

Therefore, Gu Changan planned to re-establish a pharmaceutical factory, focusing on the production of Qixue Cream.

Before liberation, he made a lot of money from Qixue Cream. The reason why the Gu family was able to make a fortune from a small pharmacy and become a rich man was also because of the Qixue Cream, but he had been abroad for all these years, and he had to rely on it when he returned to China to set up a pharmaceutical factory. Mrs. Gu helps.

In this way, he can save a lot of worry. After all, now that he is older, his energy is not as good as before, so Zhang Xuemei still has to win over him.

"Okay, Yu Jie was only agitated for a while and spoke a little more seriously. You know she has always had this temper, so don't bother with her." Old Man Gu's tone suddenly changed, unlike the domineering one just now.

Tang Xiaonan blinked, what is this operation?

You were aggressive just now, but now you're in a mess?

"Master... Song Tao, he..."

Yuan Yujie wasn't convinced. Her son was still lying on the bed. Although she didn't have much affection, she was still the flesh and blood of her pregnancy in October.

"Song Tao is already like this, our family can't hurt the peace."

Gu Changan squeezed his concubine's hand and winked. Even if Yuan Yujie was unwilling, she had to endure it.

Old Madam Gu looked at the pair of dogs and men with cold eyes. She used to have fantasies about Gu Changan, thinking that he would turn around, but now she has given up the idea.

She endured it all her life, watching Gu Songtao, that bastard, all day long, just for today.

She knew very well what Gu Changan had in mind. This **** was selfish and ruthless. The only reason why he could change his mind was that her old bones still had value.



Do you really think that she is a gold bar? Zhang Xuemei has to rely on this old **** for the rest of her life?


The old lady held back her fire in her heart, but she smiled like a spring breeze on her face, "Yuan Yujie, you are so old, why are you still acting like a fox, Gu Changan, you are not too shabby."

Gu Changan's complexion changed slightly, and he resisted not getting angry. When his pharmaceutical factory was on the right track, he would definitely leave the old woman.

The old lady also changed her face, the spring breeze turned into a cold wind like a knife, and looked at the pair of dogs and men mockingly, "Since your parents are back, take your son away, when I give it to you, take care of you. Songtao is panting, but within a few days of being in your hands, Gu Songtao will die."

The faces of the dog and the man were even more ugly, and even a thoughtful person like Gu Changan couldn't hold it back.

"Xuemei, why does the family bother to say these angry words." Gu Changan tried his best to slow down.

"Who is your family? Gu Changan, you old **** really thinks you are money, and I, Zhang Xuemei, have to rely on you to live? I think your face is bigger than your butt, shameless!"

The old lady mocked for a while. Seeing Gu Changan's face ashen and gritted his teeth, he was in a good mood, and the dog anger that he had been in all his life was finally vented.

"Welcome to the Spring, cook more dishes in the evening, I want to drink to celebrate!"

The old lady instructed her daughter-in-law that the big wedding must be celebrated with wine, and it was easy from head to toe.


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