Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1367: Huo's little abacus

"Brother Gu, Happy New Year." Tang Xiaonan called out from the door.

Gu Yunchuan got up with a smile on his face, but looked very reluctant, and greeted them to sit down.

"What's the matter? Seeing your grandfather unhappy?" Huo Jinzhi asked directly.

When he came back, he was still elated, but now his dead appearance is 100% related to Gu Changan.

Gu Yunchuan smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect...grandfather would be like that...let alone grandmother..."

He didn't say what he said later, but the meaning was very clear. He should know his life experience.

"You can't accept that you are not your grandmother's grandson?" Huo Jin hit the nail on the head.

Gu Yunchuan's expression changed, "You all know?"

"I knew it earlier, your life experience is not a secret in Gu Village, almost everyone knows it." Huo Jinzhi rolled his eyes, really a naive little white rabbit.

This guy is lucky, otherwise, he is so stupid, he has to help people count the money when he sells it. He hasn't figured out his background for so many years, it's really stupid.

Gu Yunchuan's laughter suddenly collapsed. Since all his friends knew about it, he didn't need to hide his emotions.

"I... I just can't accept that my father's body is related to my grandmother... I don't know what my grandmother regarded me as, a grandson or a tool for revenge?"

Gu Yunchuan said his confusion intermittently, and he could hear the movement so loudly downstairs.

In fact, he also suspected his life experience, but he didn't want to check, but today he had to face it directly.

He doesn't really care about his life experience. Now he just wants to know what he is in his grandmother's heart.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, it was for this, no wonder Gu Yunchuan thought so.

Huo Jinzhi sneered and sneered: "You don't care what your grandmother thinks you are, at least what your grandmother taught you over the years is true, and the formula of Qixue Cream, your grandmother also carefully passed it on to you. ,

Even if your grandmother used you and your father to take revenge, so what? If you want to blame, you can blame your grandfather and grandmother. Who made them shameless and shameless. Speaking of which, your grandmother is the biggest victim, and she should take revenge too. of. "

It would be more cruel to change his methods, Mrs. Gu is already gentle enough.

Gu Yunchuan's expression changed slightly, and he felt very guilty. Huo Jinzhi was right, why should he doubt his grandmother's sincerity?

Huo Jinzhi added: "It's true that your grandmother abandoned your father, but this is karma. The grudges of the previous generation have nothing to do with you, and you don't need to worry about it. Now you should do something else."

"What's up?"

Gu Yunchuan was in a better mood, and was distracted by what Huo Jinzhi said.

Huo Jinzhi gave Tang Xiaonan a wink, Tang Xiaonan understood and went to the door to guard so that no one could hear him.

Gu Changan became more interested, what exactly is going on?

"You didn't tell me about the patent right?" Huo Jinzhi lowered his voice.

"No, I promised you not to say anything."

"Well then, let me ask you, do you want to vent your anger on your grandmother's behalf? And your mother, I heard your grandfather call your mother ugly just now."

Gu Yunchuan's face sank, and his last illusions about Gu Changan were extinguished.

Mother is his last limit, no one is qualified to humiliate his mother!

Huo Jinzhi was very satisfied, and said: "Your grandfather came back to set up a pharmaceutical factory, so let him do it, you just don't know, we will sue again after Qixue Cream is on the market, and let your grandfather pay a lot of money... …”


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