Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1380: I don't want to talk to stupid pigs

Gu Zhiyan's expression was even more sad, and her heart was even more bitter than Huang Lian's. How could she not like it? When Tang Aihua stepped forward and was willing to solve her difficulties, she was actually moved.

But she dared not like it.

She was afraid that Tang Aihua wouldn't even be able to make friends.

Seeing that she was silent, Tang Xiaonan asked again, "Sister Zhiyan, you really don't like my elder brother?"

"No...I...I didn't dislike it."

Gu Zhiyan shook her head, her voice was thinner than the chirping of a mosquito, her face was as red as blood, her hands were twisted uneasily, her heart was numb.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief, and it was easy to do if she liked it.

"Then why did you break up with my elder brother? Do you want other women to be my elder sister-in-law? But I don't like other women being my elder sister-in-law, so I just want Sister Zhiyan to be my elder sister-in-law."

Tang Xiaonan is half coquettish and half cheating, such a good sister-in-law can't be cheap for other people, she must find a way to get in.

Gu Zhiyan's face turned even redder, but she felt more bitter in her heart. She also wanted to be Xiao Nan's sister-in-law.

"Xiao Nan... there are some things you don't understand..."

"I understand, you like my eldest brother, and my eldest brother also likes you. You are in love with each other, why can't you get married? Sister Zhiyan, do you have a better partner? I heard from the eldest brother that there is a doctor who is Your partner is much better than my big brother."

Tang Xiaonan said innocently, there are some things that the client can't say, so let her say it.

Gu Zhiyan couldn't help shaking her head, "It's not the object, I have nothing to do with him, it's just an ordinary colleague relationship, and your elder brother is also very good, he's talking nonsense!"

From the corner of Tang Xiaonan's eyes, he saw Huo Jinzhi dragging his stupid elder brother out, and he hid behind a tree not far away. Huo Jinzhi blinked at her, indicating that the arrangement was done.

She returned the OK gesture. Today, this mess must be settled. The New Year's Eve is uneasy, stupid brother is too stupid.

"My eldest brother said that he was your partner, but he still cried, and he cried so sadly, with tears streaming down his face. He said that the doctor had a high degree and his family was good. Sister Zhiyan would be happier with him. The eldest brother said that he didn't want to delay you. I broke up with you,

He was lying in the house crying alone. It was the first time I saw my eldest brother cry. In the past, my father used a stick to knock on my eldest brother, but even if such a thick stick was knocked off, the eldest brother did not cry. "

Tang Xiaonan exaggeratedly compared, the stick was thicker than her thigh, Huo Jinzhi's mouth twitched, it was a miracle that Tang Aihua didn't die young with such a thick stick.

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Tang Aihua's eyes widened. When did he cry so hard that his sister was talking nonsense with her eyes open!

But when Gu Zhiyan said that she liked her, Tang Aihua's heart was sweeter than honey, it felt like a dream, he couldn't believe it was real, and his mind couldn't turn around.

Gu Zhiyan was angry and funny, and said angrily: "Your elder brother is sick, why do you want to compare yourself with others? When did I say that the doctor was my object? He didn't ask me any questions, he just ran over to say goodbye to me. ."

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth, it was indeed a pig, but this pig was her eldest brother.

Huo Jinzhi stared at a pig with contempt, and silently said, "Pig!"

Tang Aihua didn't hear it, but he felt the contempt of the boss, and explained dryly, "I...I don't want to delay..."


The boss gave another word, too lazy to take care of it.

He doesn't talk to people with too low IQ, except Tang Xiaopang.

That is her own daughter-in-law, no matter how stupid she is, she has to be spoiled.

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