Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1383: 0 years of good sister

Tang Xiaonan shrugged, she definitely raised her hands to support the future sister-in-law's trouble, a idiot like her eldest brother can't give a good face, and it will be cowardly after a few days.

"Go back to pick shepherd's purse."

Huo Jinzhi said lightly, he still remembered picking shepherd's purse. Shepherd's purse is the most tender at this time, and there are many on the mountain. After picking it, clean it, then scald it with boiling water, squeeze the clean water and put it in the refrigerator to keep it until summer.

Tang Xiaonan likes to eat dumpling wontons filled with shepherd's purse. In spring, she picks up more and freezes them, so they can last for a long time.

Although there are also vegetable markets for sale in summer, they are grown in artificial greenhouses. They are big and fat, but the taste is 108,000 miles away, and they are still wild and fresh on the mountain.

"Don't wait for big brother?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

"He has feet of his own."

Huo Jinzhi was too lazy to wait, but it was only a dozen miles away.

Tang Xiaonan thought so too, so she got into the car and drove to the riverside. She saw Tang Aihua and Gu Zhiyan, and had already stopped. It seemed that Tang Aihua was coaxing people, and Gu Zhiyan's blushing face was almost the same this year.

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"A sister as good as me is rare in a century!"

Tang Xiaonan sighed with emotion, who's sister is still worried about her brother's marriage, and she is the only one.

"Once upon a time."

Mr. Huo added a sentence with a smile in his eyes.

Tang Xiaonan was a little embarrassed, "It's only a hundred years, I don't dare to do it for ten thousand years, be humble."

If she is arrogant and arrogant, she will be struck by lightning. If she is hacked back to her previous life, she will lose a lot.

Qingyue's laughter sounded, it was Huo Jinzhi who was laughing, and he couldn't stop laughing, Tang Xiaonan patted him on the head a few times in anger, "Seriously, what's so funny, I'm as smart, cute and kind as me. There is only one person who understands people in a hundred years, what's wrong?"

"That's right, you're too modest."

Huo Jinzhi held back a smile and complimented, Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes arrogantly, don't think she didn't hear this guy's perfunctory.

When she got home, Xu Jinfeng was still not out of breath. If it wasn't for Tang Laifu, she would have gone to Gu Village to make trouble.

"What about your eldest brother?" Xu Jinfeng asked while holding back his anger.

"I'm with Sister Zhiyan, Mom, we will definitely be able to have a wedding party this year." Tang Xiaonan patted her chest to make sure she had a ticket.

Xu Jinfeng was dubious, "Didn't your eldest brother break up? Why did you go to Zhiyan again? What are they making trouble for?"

It messed up her mind.

The Tang family was also confused. They said they broke up in one moment, and then they had a wedding party. What kind of drama were they singing?

"Why doesn't Aihua come back? He read into the belly of a dog? Is marriage a child's play? It's just a matter of telling the story, and it's fine. I can't help but make fun of him!" Tang Baishan's anger still hasn't subsided, and he Very dissatisfied with Tang Aihua's casual attitude.

Marriage is a big event, how can it be messed up?

Tang Xiaonan didn't know what to say for a while, and was still organizing the language in his mind. Huo Jinzhi had already explained the stupid things Tang Aihua had done, including the purpose of the engagement.

Xu Jinfeng said in surprise: "The boss was trying to help Zhiyan escape from marriage at that time? Why didn't he tell me clearly?"

Said you would agree?

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes secretly, her mother was also an afterthought.

"Then do these two have feelings now? Are they married?" Tang Laijin asked plainly.

Huo Jinzhi also answered clearly, "Of course, the misunderstanding has already been cleared up."

Xu Jinfeng patted his thigh happily, "That's good, I'll send someone to measure the auspicious day. After this year, I will be able to hold my grandson next year."

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