Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1386: Eating in the bowl and looking in the pot

The atmosphere in the room became more embarrassing. Tang Xiaonan moved slowly, and was suddenly picked up. It was Huo Jinzhi. He walked out of the door with one hand in his arms. Tang Xiaonan let out a long sigh, which was considered liberating.

Her mother is also true, she is telling the truth.

At dinner, the atmosphere at home was relaxed, Tang Laifu and the others were still drinking and bragging, nothing happened, but let the old ladies say, it's a big deal.

Tang Aihua hadn't come back yet, he was late until he had eaten half of the meal, the spring breeze was all over his face, and he was humming a little song, "Sister Lin fell from the sky..."

Jumped into the house, and then—

"Ah... Mom, what are you doing?"

There was a broom in front of him, Tang Aihua was in a daze, and ran in the yard with his head guarded, Xu Jinfeng chased with his broom, and the others sat calmly, not even wanting to watch the show.

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The three people who were implicated heard the howls coming from the yard, their eyes lit up, they sipped a little wine every time they screamed, and clinked their glasses, all of which were the same thoughts in their hearts—

"Shit! You can't kill this little bastard!"

Xu Jinfeng's scolding came from the yard, "How could I give birth to such a stupid thing as you, my mind is full of maggots, if it wasn't for Jinzhi and Xiaonan, my good daughter-in-law would let you get rid of the stupid thing, beat him up. Damn you stupid pig, even your father is not as good as your father, you can still eat in the bowl and watch the pot, you can't even see the food in your own bowl, you are stupid in studying..."

Tang Laifu's complexion softened a little, and turned dark again.

The meat in the mouth is also not fragrant.

Fortunately, this time Xu Jinfeng was quite measured. He only used Tang Laifu as an analogy. His father-in-law and brother-in-law didn't mention it. Tang Baishan and Tang Laijin felt comfortable.

Xu Jinfeng is just a few blows to let out his anger. His own son is no better than her husband. If she breaks it, she will feel distressed.

After the lesson, they discussed the business, Xu Jinfeng said neatly: "I will go to Zhiyan's father in a few days. What did Zhiyan say?"

Tang Aihua blushed and said shyly, "She said... it's all up to my family."

Xu Jinfeng was even more satisfied, patted her thigh and said happily, "Then do the wedding ceremony as soon as possible. You are all too young. If you do things earlier, you must not treat Zhiyan badly with the bride price."

Tang Aihua shook his head, "Zhiyan said don't give too much betrothal gifts, she just wanted to do what she meant, and it would be cheaper for her stepmother, and it wouldn't fall into the hands of her younger brother, Zhiyan meant that after she got married, she still wanted to continue to pay. My younger brother goes to school, and when my younger brother starts to work, he will not be able to pay."

In fact, he felt that there was no need to say these words. After getting married, he should confess. Anyway, he has no objection, but if he said it, his mother might have a pimple in her heart, which is not good.

But Gu Zhiyan insisted on showing her attitude in advance, Tang Aihua couldn't beat her.

The smile on Xu Jinfeng's face was stagnant, and her brows were also wrinkled. In fact, she was a little unhappy. After all, after marrying in, she was the Tang family. What would it be like to provide for her mother's brother?

Moreover, there is a father in the family's family. This should be the responsibility of the father. How can it not be the Tang family's turn?

Zhang Manyue wasn't too happy either. She thought the same as Xu Jinfeng and said, "After you get married, you will definitely have children, which means you have to pay for two. Can you afford it?"

Tang Aihua nodded hurriedly, "No problem, Zhiyan and I's salaries add up to about 200 yuan, Zhiyan also has to write articles, I also take some private work, and the monthly money is also quite a lot, fully funded Affordable, I... I have promised Zhiyan."

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