Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1390: just for a good relationship

Gu's father's meaning was to receive a symbolic betrothal gift. Two hundred and three hundred would do. The rest of the Gu family also meant it. Xu Jinfeng had no objection. It was only a few hundred yuan.

"Forget the dowry. Aihua and I have already said that we don't accept dowry, but after we get married, I will continue to pay for Zhile to go to school, and Aihua agrees." Gu Zhiyan expressed her attitude.

She would never give her stepmother an opportunity to take advantage of it. Her father could not control the money for the betrothal gift, and it must have ended up in the stepmother's pocket, and then used it to supplement her two children.

Although Gu Zhiyan doesn't care about a few hundred dollars now, she still doesn't want to. Even if she gives beggars on the roadside, she doesn't want to be cheap for her stepmother.

Tang Aihua responded very quickly and immediately stated, "Yes, Zhiyan and I have discussed it. After we get married, we will take Zhile to Songcheng to go to school and support him until he graduates from the university. If Zhile can be admitted to graduate school, Zhiyan and I will also provided."

Gu Zhiyan was stunned for a moment. It wasn't like this was discussed at the beginning. She looked at Xu Jinfeng and his wife worriedly, and then at Tang Aihua. This fool is making his own decisions. What if her in-laws get angry?

Tang Aihua glanced soothingly, saying that there was no problem.

Gu Zhile, who kept his head down, looked up in surprise and looked at his sister and brother-in-law in disbelief. Do you really want to take him to Songcheng?

He dreams of living with his sister, but he is afraid of hurting her.

In fact, he has money in his hands. In recent years, he has bought some goods to sell during the holidays. Although he does not earn much, it is enough for living expenses and tuition fees. If he goes to Songcheng, Gu Zhile believes that he can earn more. , will not increase the burden on my sister and brother-in-law.

After the Gu family was shocked, they rejoiced again. If Gu Zhile was really taken to Songcheng to go to school, maybe the Gu family would have another famous college student.

But this is not a trivial matter, can the Tang family agree?

Gu's father said, "This... I'm afraid it's not very good. Zhile should stay at home. What does it look like to go to Songcheng?"

Gu Zhile's eyes dimmed and he lowered his head.

Xu Jinfeng said with a hearty smile: "What's wrong, Zhiyan sister and brother have a good relationship, so naturally they want to live together, and I heard that Zhile studies well, and the quality of education in Songcheng is good, which is good for Zhile's future. , Anyway, this is their young couple's business, we don't care when we are adults, just pay the money, I think you don't care about your in-laws, let them worry about it!"

Tang Laifu just kept nodding his head. He was not good at words, and it was his wife who spoke outside. He was responsible for nodding.

Gu Zhiyan's eyes lit up, and she looked at Xu Jinfeng gratefully, is it really okay?

Xu Jinfeng smiled and nodded. In fact, she has already thought about it now. Even if she pays for it for seven or eight years, it will not cost much, and her son is also willing. What's the use of her objecting?

Moreover, the daughter-in-law earns more money than the son, which means that the daughter-in-law is raising her own. She has nothing to say. Moreover, Gu Zhile is a good character. He knows how to be grateful, so he should have a good relationship. .

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With Xu Jinfeng's statement, the Gu family felt relieved and happy.

The betrothal gift is only 200 to 300 yuan, and there is more than that for the children to go to school. The Tang family is really righteous!

Father Gu is also very happy. Of course, he hopes that his children will have a bright future. He is incompetent. Now that his daughter, son-in-law and in-laws are willing to help his son, he is very grateful.

The matter of Gu Zhile was settled like this. The Gu family were very happy, but the stepmother was not happy. The little **** was not at home, who would do the work?

She has been blessed for more than ten years, but she can't bear to work anymore.

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