Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1398: no one likes him

In the past two years, Tang Aijun has been busy playing competitions, and his academic performance has fallen a lot, but his competition results are still quite good. It is not unexpected that he will enter the national team this year. The coach told him.

"Where are you going to take the test?" Teacher Cai asked with concern.

"Imperial University."

Tang Aijun replied without hesitation that he and Huo Jinzhi had made a bet, and he definitely couldn't lose.

The smile on Mr. Cai's face froze. He didn't know how good his nephew was in basketball. He only heard Tang Laifeng mention that he played basketball. The Tang family didn't like to say it. If you don't do a proper job, study is a proper job.

But Mr. Cai knows Tang Aijun's grades, so he can't say it's bad, but there must be a distance from Imperial College. He can't bear to hurt the child's confidence, but he is afraid that Tang Aijun's self-confidence will be too high, and he will be hit even more if he falls out of the list.

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"Is the love army sure?"

"Yes, the coach said that the cultural class should be fine as long as it's passable." Tang Aijun was confident.

He has inquired about it with his senior brothers, and the requirements for cultural scores are very low, and he can pass the test with his eyes closed.

Tang Xiaonan saw that Teacher Cai didn't understand, and explained: "The third brother is a sports student, and the cultural score is not high. Uncle, the third brother is about to enter the national basketball team, and he has to go abroad to play games."

The Tang family thinks that playing football is not a proper job, but she doesn't think that winning glory for the country is a serious matter. She thinks that her third brother is very powerful.

Tang Aijun couldn't close his mouth, and his tail was wagging. He hadn't heard his sister praise him for a long time. Her sister's mouth was still as sweet as when she was a child.

"Aijun is really amazing. You can see it on TV when you play games? I'll organize students to watch it."

Mr. Cai is in awe. He is a sports idiot. He can't do anything in running, jumping, and throwing the shot put. He is the most envious of sports students in his life. Now his nephew is actually in the national team. This is a great honor. The school promotes it well.

"I can see it, I will tell my uncle when the time comes."

Tang Aijun's face turned even redder, but he thought in his heart that he would fight better in the future, so that his uncle couldn't be ashamed in front of the students.

"Our children are really amazing. All of them are excellent. Xiao Nan's academic performance is also very good. It should be no problem to go to university. Yuxiang is also very good. They are all good children."

Teacher Cai was very emotional. Ordinary rural families have provided so many excellent children, especially the second child, Tang Aiguo, who was such a naughty student at the time, almost mad at him, but now he is studying in the best university in the world, and himself. Ten years ago he was still picking manure on the farm.

The family is happy and smiling, the children are studying well, the adults are earning money, and the elderly are healthy. Today's life is like a honeypot soaking in, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

But one person was unhappy, sitting in the corner silently, looking gloomy.

This person is Chai Wenhao.

Since calling him back, Chai Wenhao has been dead like this. He doesn't talk to anyone. He always sits alone and thinks about things.

Chai Wenhao listened to the laughter of the Tang family, and also heard the words of his stepfather, and felt very uncomfortable.

Everyone is great, except him.

No one likes him either. He can feel that his grandparents, grandparents, aunts and uncles don't like him, and neither does his stepfather. This is not his home. His home is on the other side of the mountain.

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