Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1407: ?? Is there another house?

"You said you didn't touch it? I saw you beat my wife, and you beat me very hard. Otherwise, how would I break my wife's hand, stop talking nonsense, lose money, 200,000 yuan, a penny less Not at all, or I will send you to prison!"

Tang Laijin scolded fiercely, and returned the words that Mrs. Chai had scolded before to the mother and son.

The neighbors were amused. The mother and son of the Chai family had met an expert. One mountain is still one mountain high.

"To pay your mother B, you want to blackmail money. Your wife's hand is made of tofu? It will break if you touch it?" Mrs. Chai cursed, her anger was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

It is the first month of the month. Although the sun is shining, the ground is still cold. She is getting old and can't stand it when she sits on the ground for a long time. It hurts a lot, but it doesn't feel good.

Tang Laijin's face sank, "Your old waist can't help but push. My wife's hand is softer than soft tofu, and it will break if you touch it lightly. Don't talk nonsense, you old woman, lose money!"

The mother and son of the Chai family had never seen such a battle. Every time they touched porcelain before, the people who were touched were scared to death, and they took the money to eliminate the disaster.

But it's not difficult for Mrs. Chai, but it's okay, she's getting old, as long as she sells a little bit miserably, her grandson will definitely speak for her.

Tang Laifeng cares about her son the most, but her grandson only listens to her now. Humph, she wants to be mad at Tang Laifeng, a slut. She had to fight for her son to death at first, and she has raised her for so many years. So what? It is also the Chai family, and the Tang family is wasting their time.

"Wen Hao... My son, why is grandma's life so hard? When you get old, you will be bullied... Grandma can't live anymore, Wen Hao, remember to burn ingots for grandma during festivals..."

The old lady Chai threw herself on her grandson and cried bitterly.

Chai Wenhao's expression changed, and he felt very uncomfortable. He felt sorry for her grandma, who was living too hard. She had to get up and work so early every day, and she didn't have to rest all day long. To get up early and late to earn money to support the family.

"Grandma will be fine, I will take care of you..."

Chai Wenhao was crying and comforting, and the grandparents and grandchildren hugged each other and cried.

Tang Laifeng only felt dazzling, and Tang Laijin and Yang Lijuan were not in the mood to make trouble anymore. When they met someone like Chai Wenhao, they made a fuss and they even attracted hatred.

"Ignore him, let's go home."

Tang Laifeng was disheartened~www.readwn.com~ turned around and was about to leave, the Tang family naturally wouldn't stay, but after a few steps, Chai Boliang rushed over and stood in front of them with a rogue face and a threat." Lose money, or don't want to leave!"

"Pay for your shit!"

When Tang Laijin was on fire, he stepped forward and stepped forward. Chai Boliang, who had already been hollowed out by alcohol, couldn't stand the kick. He fell backwards and fell to the ground motionless.

"Murder... where bandits kill..."

Mrs. Chai shouted, but no one paid any attention to her. After all, the popularity of this family was not good, and no one would meddle in their own business. Only Chai Wenhao was crying while holding Mrs. Chai.

The Tang family was completely disappointed with him and didn't want to take care of him anymore. He went around Chai Boliang who was on the ground and was about to leave, but before he took a few steps, Tang Xiaonan suddenly remembered something and stopped to ask Tang Laifeng.

"Auntie, did you buy a house for your cousin?"

Tang Xiaonan remembered that Tang Laifeng had said before that after earning money, he would buy a house for every child, and this house could not be cheap for Chai's house.

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