Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1410: Spanking if you dare to run away from home

Chai Wenhao murmured for a long time before asking in a low voice, "I...I'm looking for my mother...something."

"You still have the face to look for your mother? Don't you recognize your ancestors and return to the clan? Go away, come back and I'll kill you!"

Chai Yuxiang's eyes hurt so much that she grabbed the broom and smoked. She couldn't let this white-eyed wolf brother disturb her mother and her grandmother. Today is a holiday, so she can't affect the atmosphere.

Chai Wenhao was careful to avoid dodging, but he was still slapped a few times on his body. Zhang Manyue used a bamboo stick to tie the broom himself. It hurts when swept on his face.

He didn't have the face to fight back, just dodged and looked pitiful, but Chai Yuxiang became more and more annoyed. She hoped that her brother would be tougher. Since he left, don't come back, and come back after you have made some achievements, so that she will still treat her brother. Impressed.

But Chai Wenhao's pitiful cowardly appearance now makes her angry and annoyed, and she strikes harder.

"You're deaf, get out... get out of the Chai's house!"

"Sister... Grandpa is not well... He is very ill..."

Chai Wenhao whispered, his eyes were red.

He didn't want to come back either, but grandpa had vomited blood, and the family had no money to go to the hospital, so he had no choice but to look for his mother shamelessly. In any case, grandpa used to be kind to his mother, and he never scolded her.

Chai Yuxiang was stunned for a moment, and cursed: "I should have died long ago, he has evil retribution, God let him live so long because of his blindness, aren't you the good grandson of that old man, you go to sell blood and meat to make money Ah, you still have the face to look for your mother? How did the Chai family treat your mother before, you are blind and can't see?"

When Tang Xiaonan heard the news and ran out, she heard her cousin's scolding, and she was quite happy. She liked her cousin's character with clear grievances, and she was a hundred times stronger than the sticky Chai Wenhao.

"He's our grandfather...Sister, how can you say that? Grandpa is also good to you. He has never scolded you or mother..."

Chai Wenhao was a little dissatisfied. He felt that his sister was too rebellious. After all, she was her grandfather. How could she be so cold-blooded?

Tang Xiaonan rolled his eyes and couldn't help but spit out the big guy who came out, "This guy has **** in his head, Virgin Mary Little White Lotus."

If you don't scold or fight, is it a good person?

It's not like she hasn't seen the dead old man from the Chai family, huh, he's just a selfish old man who pretends to be dead. If he's really good to his daughter-in-law, why don't he care about his wife and son?

Huo Jinzhi curled his lips and glanced at Chai Wenhao contemptuously. For such a fool, he felt it was a waste to even look at him.

"Never mind this idiot."

Tang Xiaonan wrinkled her nose and said impatiently, "I don't want to care about him. This guy came here with a shameless face. Hmph, he has no ambition at all. If I leave, even if I die of starvation, I won't come back."

Huo Jinzhi frowned~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly felt the need to warn his young daughter-in-law. After all, she is fourteen years old, and this age is the easiest to be rebellious. What if she also runs away from home?

"You want to run away from home?" The boss's gloomy voice sounded in his ears.

Tang Xiaonan blinked, a little confused.

When did she say she was going to run away from home?

"Who said that? I don't run away from home. How can there be a home outside."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, everyone in the family loved her, and everyone was kind to her, she would run away from home when she was stupid.

She wants to stay at home and never get married.

The boss is satisfied with this, but some things still need to be made clear in advance.

"If you dare to run away from home, I'll spank you!"

kind of heavy.

I will definitely beat this fat girl to cry!

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