Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1413: vomiting blood

Tang Laifeng's body swayed, and her throat was full of sweetness. She wanted to press it down, but she couldn't. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and everyone was shocked.

Chai Yuxiang cried into tears, even Bajin, they thought her mother was going to die.

"Mom...don't scare me...are you all right?"

Chai Yuxiang was at a loss and didn't know what to do. Looking at her mother whose face was as white as paper, she lost her mind for the first time and only knew how to cry.

Tang Laifeng slowly shook his head, spitting out blood was more comfortable, the big stone in her heart was removed, but her heart was even more painful. It turned out that she was such a person in the heart of her eldest son.

"Don't worry about this little bastard, boss, hurry up and take Laifeng to the hospital, hurry up and drive!" Zhang Manyue was so anxious that she almost fell, seeing her pale daughter with blood on her mouth, she only felt distressed.

He couldn't help but turn his anger on the old man, and Tang Baishan, who rushed over, scolded: "It's all the fault of your blind old man, you have to marry Laifeng to the beast's den of the Chai family, and give birth to this little beast to harm your daughter, If Laifeng has any good or bad, I... I'll poison you with rat poison!"

Tang Baishan's face was as black as charcoal.

But at that time, he didn't know that the honest and honest Chai Boliang would be such a beast.


"Mom...I'm fine...don't go to the hospital, let Dad show me..."

Although Tang Laifeng was weak, he was still in good spirits. Zhang Manyue was relieved and glared at the old man, "I can't wait to see!"

Tang Baishan shrank his neck. In fact, he didn't know how to look at it. He vomited blood. He only looked at the cold and cold, so he said, "It's better to go to the hospital. Boss, you can go directly to the county hospital."

Tang Laifu brought a tractor. He sold the walk-behind tractor before, and bought the four-wheeled tractor with some extra money. It is a bit like a small truck, and it also burns diesel. It can carry a lot of goods and is faster. Earn more money, of course.

Chai Wenhao looked at his mother in panic. He didn't know it would be like this. He just said something in a hurry, but he didn't expect to vomit blood from his mother's anger. Now he regrets it.

"Mom...I...I'm in a hurry, that's not what I meant..."

"It's my fault~www.readwn.com~ I don't know that you have so many grievances in your heart, now I know it's wrong, everything goes back to the way it was, you go back to your Chai's house, I live my life, our well water does not make river water !" Tang Laifeng said coldly, his eyes like ice.

The younger sister-in-law Yang Lijuan was right, heredity is really important, the eldest son inherited the selfishness and cold-bloodedness of the Chai family.

"Mom...don't say that..." Chai Wenhao panicked even more.

He promised grandma to bring money back, what should I do now?

"Don't call me mother, your surname is Chai, my surname is Tang, and your household registration is also in Chai's house, we don't care anymore, and I want to tell you that my life is not only you, even if you object to my divorce, I still want to Li, and also report Chai Boliang, whatever you think of me, I will do it again, but I will not bring you, nor will I support you!"

Tang Laifeng said word by word, she did not regret the divorce, but she regretted raising this white-eyed wolf.

If time could go back, she would never take her eldest son away again.

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