Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1419: pure friendship

"We are just chatting, chatting purely, don't use your crooked brains to think about things." Tang Aijun rolled his eyes.

"I said you're not pure? I think you're thinking about it yourself. Be honest, or I'll go to No. 1 Middle School to find Miss Fangyuan and ask directly." Huo Jinzhi made a ruthless move.

"You're crazy, I have nothing to do with others. I warn you, the surnamed Huo, if you dare to find someone, none of us brothers can do it!"

"If you don't do it, don't do it. I'm your brother-in-law anyway."

Huo Jinyi doesn't care at all, what is the meaning of brother, or brother-in-law, for Tang Xiaopang, he is willing to wrong his younger generation.

Tang Xiaonan's face burned a little, but the gossip was important right now, so—

"Yes, brother Huo has to be ranked according to my seniority. Third brother, please tell me quickly, or I'll go to sister Fangyuan and ask with brother Huo."

Tang Xiaonan cooperated with a smile. Anyway, she was still young and couldn't understand anything. She didn't know who her brother-in-law was.

The corners of Huo Jinzhi's lips rose, and he was very satisfied with the fat daughter-in-law's response. When he turned back to give more pocket money, he was already in high school, so naturally he should give more pocket money.

Xiao Ailing and Xiao Bajin also followed suit, although they didn't know what to ask, they were just making fun of it anyway.

Tang Aijun was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do with these two shameless ones. Who would let one be a baby sister and the other a shameless scoundrel? He was really afraid that these two goods would come to his door, which would be embarrassing.

"It's nothing, just met me in the hospital today. Fang Yuan recognized me and said that there was still a piece of cloth to return to me, so she ran home to get the cloth and insisted on returning it to me, that's all."

"Third brother, you are different from when you were a child. How can Sister Fangyuan recognize it?" Tang Xiaonan felt strange.

Her third brother has really changed a lot, and she has grown a lot taller. Sometimes, if she doesn't go back to Mopan Mountain for a semester, the villagers will be stunned when they see it. Fang Yuan has only met her third brother once, and it has been several years. Just met, but can you recognize it at a glance?

Is this too impressive?

"What's so difficult about this, I recognized her at a glance." Tang Aijun disagreed.

He and Fang Yuan recognized each other at about the same time. Although he couldn't name them, he knew who the other was. He felt that Fang Yuan was no different from when he was a child, except that he grew taller.

Fang Yuan said the same to him.

Tang Xiaonan smiled with relief, which showed that the third brother and that Fang Yuan really had a fate, and a sentence suddenly popped up in his mind——

A thousand years at a glance.

Such a romantic feeling~www.readwn.com~ Why did Sister Fangyuan give you the cloth back? Her mother didn't make clothes? "Tang Xiaonan couldn't understand.

This piece of fabric is quite good, and it can be used as a coat. Although it is not particularly expensive now, because the cloth ticket has been cancelled, as long as you have money, you can buy it, but a few years ago, it was in short supply and was considered a generous gift.

"She said that receiving the gift was a violation of discipline. She wanted to return it a few years ago, but she didn't know my address. Dr. Fang returned to the county hospital after the new year, and something else happened in the middle. This piece of cloth was Put it on hold." Tang Aijun explained.


Tang Xiaonan couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help but think of Fang Yuan's old-fashioned way of teaching her mother back then. She was quite an old cadre, and she was indeed a very principled girl.

"Third brother, do you like Sister Fangyuan?"

"What nonsense, we are pure friendship, what are you thinking about?"

Tang Aijun blushed like blood, and set off a fireworks to hide his embarrassment.

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