Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1431: Study hard, don't mess around

"Although the cultural score of the Academy of Fine Arts is not high, it can't be too low. We must be absolutely sure that we don't miss the exam by a few points. Aunt, do you think this is true?" Huo Jinzhi looked at him sincerely. Aunt.

Chang Dahong nodded again and again, "Isn't that right? Danqing, listen to your cousin. Let's focus on culture and art together. If we get high marks in the exam, we will definitely be admitted to the best art academy."

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"The tutor will come in two days. If Dan Qing doesn't understand anything, just ask the teacher."

Huo Jinzhi happily decided, and made up his mind to find the most severe tutor for his cousin, and he must not let his cousin have time to "hook up" Tang Xiaopang.

"Dan Qing, thank you cousin quickly." Chang Dahong stabbed his son, and was very dissatisfied with his performance.

Sultan Qing, who was mourning his concubine, forced a smile, "Thank you, cousin."

"Your family is welcome."

Huo Jinzhi patted his cousin's head 'kindly', but he was thinking that if his cousin was not honest, he would also arrange an art teacher and an English teacher.

Tang Xiaonan looked at the beauty with sympathy, poor baby, this is really a disaster.

However, the boss is also out of good intentions, and you can't blame the boss for being nosy.

Because of the cheapness, the smile on Chang Dahong's face never went away, and he kept serving Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan. Fortunately, Grandma Su was good at cooking, otherwise Tang Xiaonan wouldn't be able to eat a single bite.

Chang Dahong talked about the new things on her parents' side, "Didn't my mother's cousin go to work there last year in the island country, but he didn't come back this year for Chinese New Year, so he just made a phone call and said that he had a good life there, but he sent me a message. Got a lot of money back."

"That's not very good. It's time-consuming and expensive to come back. It's just suffering your cousin-in-law. The couple lives in two different places. I'm afraid something will happen." Grandma Su said.

"My cousin-in-law can hold on to it. She is an honest person, and she has to take care of two children, and she has to go to work. She is so busy that she has no time to mess around. I just feel sorry for my cousin. Bitter, alas."

Chang Dahong sighed and looked worried.

"Didn't your cousin say it well?"

Chang Dahong shook his head, "He is reporting good news instead of bad news, how can he live well, do you know what my cousin is doing over there?"

"Don't you say you're going to work in a factory?" Grandma Su said.

She heard her daughter-in-law talk about this before, saying that she went to work in a factory over there for three years, and she had to pay a lot of fees. At that time, her cousin had borrowed money from her house in order to raise money.

"First I went to the factory, but the treatment in the factory was not good. My cousin resigned. He went to work there and borrowed a lot of money. My cousin was in high spirits and wanted to pay back the money quickly, so he went to look for wages. Gao's life, sigh, it's very unlucky to say it, my cousin is carrying the body over there."

Chang Dahong's words shocked everyone and made his scalp numb.

Tang Xiaonan was not surprised at all. In her previous life, she had heard from her seniors that going abroad was popular for a while in the 1980s, and it was also divided into regions. It was popular in the imperial capital to go to the United States, and in Songcheng, it was more popular to go to island countries.

In the previous life, there were also two TV dramas that reflected this social phenomenon. They were called "People from the Imperial City in New York" and "People from Songcheng in Tokyo", which really reflected the phenomenon of going abroad at this time.

However, the TV series must have been beautified a bit, and the real situation is far more tragic than the TV series.

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