Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1452: Evil with evil

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"Go do something."

Huo Jinzhi instructed two of his subordinates to find a way to take a video of Ramir these two days.

"The woman's face must be photographed clearly, so that no one will find out that the room is opposite to the family building, and there is a room just opposite. You can find a way to get that room."

"Don't worry, boss, this will definitely be done."

The two subordinates clapped their chests and assured that although the boss is a bit stricter and has a bad temper, he can be generous, and as long as things are done, the boss will not scold anyone, and they want the boss to arrange difficult tasks every day.

"What if someone finds out?" Huo Jinzhi said coldly.

"I'm short of money recently, and I want to get some extra money." The two replied in unison.

Huo Jinzhi pursed his lips with satisfaction. These two subordinates were talents he discovered two years ago. They used to be in the ninth class.

In the past two years, he has done a lot of things for him. After all, sometimes, the serious methods really don't work, and they have to use inferior methods to defeat evil.

"Go to work, this is the activity fund."

Huo Jinzhi took out a wad of money, and handed it over without counting. The eyes of the two subordinates lit up and their throats were burning.

The thick pile is full of great unity (ten yuan), at least a thousand pieces, and the savings of the two of them combined are not that much.

"The rest is for you to divide."

Huo Jinzhi said coldly again: "If things go wrong, I'll let you go back wherever you came from."

The two of them froze, straightened their backs and expressed their loyalty, "Don't worry, boss, this kind of trivial matter will definitely be done properly. If you mess it up, you don't need to do it. We will find a rope and hang it ourselves."


Huo Jinzhi's expression was light, and he separated from his two subordinates. He had to go back and tell Tang Xiaopang the good news, so that the girl would not have to worry about it.

As for these two subordinates, he was actually not worried about messing up at all. After all, they were experienced old thieves, and such a trivial matter really didn't matter.

These two people were brought out of the detention center by Huo Jinzhi. Because of the theft, the reason why they went to the detention center to find people was because Huo Jinzhi found out that these two guys are masters among the thieves, but they are very loyal, and there are three more Do not steal.

The old and the weak do not steal.

Brother Bing does not steal.

The grass on the edge of the nest is not eaten.

They have a bit of professional ethics, and they are usually very enthusiastic. They have a very good relationship with their neighbors. Moreover, they are not involved in major cases. It's not big, and if you can't be sentenced, you'll be released after a few days of confinement.

Although this can save prison time, it is really not wealthy, so life is very tight, Huo Jinzhi found them, and did not spend too much time persuading them to change their ways... not right, it was specially designed for the sake of He served alone.

Facts have proved that Mr. Huo has a very good vision~www.readwn.com~ The two have solved a lot of difficult problems for the boss in the past two years, and naturally made a lot of money. Huo Jinzhi will naturally not treat people who have merit. .

After he left, the two subordinates found a secluded place, happily took out the money, ordered it over and over again, with golden eyes.

"One thousand and eighty, good...a lot of money."

"This trip will cost five hundred at most, and the rest will be divided into half."

"Brother, I want to marry a wife."

"Nonsense, who doesn't want to marry, when this job is done, we can marry a daughter-in-law."

"Let's make another fat boy."

"Girls are also made, you can't prioritize sons over daughters."


The two former hair thieves were thinking of a bright future, and their faces were bright.

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