Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1455: Convince people with reason

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"Really? What kind of ink is this?"

Tang Xiaonan was full of surprises. In her previous life, she heard from her predecessors about this kind of ink. In the early days when the market was not too standardized, there were many cases of contract fraud. This kind of magic ink was one of them.

Many people use this magic ink to arbitrarily change the contract amount and duration, as well as the names of both parties, especially in the 1980s and 1990s.

Unexpectedly, she could see with her own eyes today that Tang Xiaonan looked at the contract to the light, only to find that the ink color of Shen Yuzhu's name was lighter, and the rest was normal.

"A specially formulated ink, in fact, if you look closely, you can see that the ink is lighter in color." Huo Jinzhi explained.

This kind of ink is not a panacea, as long as you are careful, you will notice anomalies. The reason why Ramel was successful is that he has shallow knowledge, and the guy was flustered at the time and didn't read the contract carefully.

After reading the contract, Tang Xiaonan's eyes were brighter than the light bulbs above her head. She could earn at least 50,000 yuan for this order, which is much higher than the price she quoted before.

"How did you persuade him to sign the contract? It's not cheap."

Huo Jinzhi smiled without saying a word, and his unpredictable appearance made Tang Xiaonan's heart tighten, and he blurted out, "Isn't it just a trick?"

Got a disgusting white eye from the boss.

"How could I do such a rude thing? I didn't even touch him. I convince people with reason."

"Are you reasoning with him?"

Tang Xiaonan didn't believe it too much. Ramel was not a reasonable person at all, and neither was the boss.

She believes more in fists.

And Shen Yuzhu's contract, how did it end up in the hands of the boss?

Tang Xiaonan regretted it too late. She knew she should have gone out with the boss. How many wonderful dramas she missed.

"Well, reason with him."

Huo Jinzhi didn't want her to know those dirty things.

"Where's Shen Yuzhu? Didn't she have a hot fight with Ramir these days? How could she be willing to let go?"

"If you don't want to, you have to be willing, you can't help her."

Huo Jinzhi sneered, refused to say any more, and changed the subject, "You and Zhou Xinqun will arrange the next thing, don't be too polite, you have to lower the price."

He had a problem with Zhou Xinqun, but he actually introduced the old pervert of Ramel to Tang Xiaopang. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise he would not be able to spare Zhou Xinqun.

"Well, I will definitely not be polite. Business is business, and human feelings are human feelings."

The more Tang Xiaonan talked, the happier he became. He hugged the big guy's arm and shouted, "Wait for this order to be done~www.readwn.com~ Can you help me buy a large courtyard house in the imperial capital? Bring something like a garden."

50,000 yuan should be enough, not enough for her to add more. She still has tens of thousands of yuan in her account.


Huo Jinzhi patted her on the head lightly, and liked this girl's wealthy look.

Xu Jinfeng heard the movement outside, twisted the door and saw her daughter hugging her son-in-law coquettishly, smiled knowingly, closed the door and continued cooking, she bought spare ribs, golden scallops, and prawns, Xiaonan likes to eat fish and shrimp, son-in-law Love to eat ribs.

The dinner was very rich, the family sat together to eat, it was very warm, but Shen Yuzhu at the hotel was in a bad situation.

Ramir called in a few friends who shared the same hobbies, used all the means they could think of on Shen Yuzhu, and had a great time, but Shen Yuzhu was not so good, and he almost went to see God several times.

Shen Yuzhu couldn't understand why, what went wrong?

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