Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1465: Luck is getting worse

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Lin Liming is about fifty years old, with fair complexion, delicate features, and glasses. He looks very mild-tempered. In fact, Lin Liming's reputation in the unit is also very good. Colleagues and subordinates have never seen him get angry, even if he is reborn. Breath, the tone is still gentle.

"No problem at all?"

Lin Liming was suspicious, but he didn't believe it.

"No problem, Director, we didn't even go home for the past three days. We only slept for four hours a day, and our eyes were all red. We didn't find out any problems."

Several staff members have rounded bloodshot eyes, their faces are shiny, and so are their hair. They really look like 'livestock' who have worked three night shifts.

The fact is that a few people played cards late at night.

Lin Liming believed that these people were carefully selected by him. Each of them was a meticulous and good comrade, and it was impossible to know Huo Jinzhi. Therefore, Huo Jinzhi's company was indeed fine.

"It's hard work, go back to rest, and give you three days off."

Lin Liming is very generous. He has always been good at bribing people's hearts. Several staff members were grateful, but their hearts were filled with panic. However, as long as they didn't say anything, the leaders would definitely not know. They calmed down and handed over to colleagues Work, go home happily and enjoy a three-day vacation.

Shen Yuzhu of Wucheng was still resting in the hotel and received a call from his foster father.

"Huo Jinzhi's company is fine."

Shen Yuzhu's nerves were tense, and he blurted out: "Impossible, he made his fortune by speculation, by the way, he has a partner in Yangcheng, that person is called Mad Master, all Huo Jinzhi's goods are from this Mad Master. From the other side, foster father, I didn't lie to you, Huo Jinzhi really broke the law."

"The mad master also checked it, and it's no problem."

"How can it be……"

Shen Yuzhu murmured to himself, how could there be no problem, she clearly heard from her aunt that what the mad master did was smuggling, and her aunt would not lie to her.

"There are two situations, one is that your information is wrong, and the other is that Huo Jinzhi and Mad Master got the news a few years ago, so they began to whitewash it." The adoptive father analyzed it very calmly.

He prefers the second.

In fact, many of the first rich people in China didn't do business very well in the early days. Huo Jinzhi was definitely not innocent, but he was well-informed and stopped early, so he couldn't find out any problems.

But he couldn't understand, how did Huo Jinzhi get the news before the rectification was taken two years ago?

Shen Yuzhu also couldn't understand it, and his heart was dead.

I thought it would make Huo Jinzhi unlucky this time~www.readwn.com~ but it was a waste of time. How could Huo Jinzhi's luck become so good?

Shen Yuzhu frowned, she felt uneasy in her heart, as if things were not as smooth as she expected, and she discovered a very serious problem, and her luck seemed to be getting worse and worse in recent years.

In the past, she was always able to survive in desperation, and met noble people to help her, but recently her luck has been extremely bad. Even after she met Tang Xiaonan, things did not go well for her. It took so much money.

Shen Yuzhu gritted her teeth with hatred, Tang Xiaonan was indeed her nemesis.

Fortunately, she still has the trump card of her adoptive father.

"Have things been done? It's been half a month." A man's voice came from the microphone, very gentle, but Shen Yuzhu knew that the foster father was not happy.

"It's done, I'm planning to come back. I haven't seen my foster father for a long time. I miss you." Shen Yuzhu acted like a spoiled child.

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