Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1481: There is evidence

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Tang Xiaonan also opened his mouth wide, how many people?

Is it like a time management master?

Holy crap, it's so cool!

How did Mr. Huo know?

Did you watch the live broadcast?

It's too unscrupulous, she didn't tell her about such a wonderful show, and she turned around to find this guy to settle the account. Tang Xiaonan glared at someone angrily, feeling itchy in her heart.

"Brother Tang Xiaonan, you can't talk nonsense like this." The head teacher said sternly, in fact a group of messed up hearts.

He only had a daughter-in-law in his life, and he was actually a novice in that regard. Huo Jinzhi's explosive news broke his heart.

"He is not Tang Xiaonan's brother, he is Tang Xiaonan's man, and they are in an improper relationship!" Shen Yuzhu suddenly shouted, and the words were even more powerful.

Huo Jinzhi's words are too irritating. Shen Yuzhu's injuries are not completely healed. Although she has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, she is a woman's kidney who has crossed the river of men, but Ramir still brought a lot of shadow to Shen Yuzhu that time. Huo Jin was stimulated, and her sanity was out of control.

The teachers were all dumbfounded, with a huge pot of blood, which caught them off guard and fascinated them.

The class bell rang, the teacher who was going to class left reluctantly, and the classmates outside all turned back to the classroom step by step, leaving only a few teachers in the office, and Tang Xiaonan and the others.

Huo Jinzhi said calmly: "I am indeed not Tang Xiaonan's brother, I am her fiancé, childhood sweetheart, two children without guessing, the parents of both parties agreed and the fiancée formally exchanged marriage contracts. When Tang Xiaonan graduates from university, she and I will meet. When I get married, I will trouble the teachers to take time to drink wedding wine."

"It must be... marriage is a happy event..."

The head teacher and several other teachers agreed involuntarily, their thoughts were taken away by Huo Jinzhi, and they even felt that the young couple had a really good relationship and a really sweet love.

Shen Yuzhu is so unwilling, but she can't do anything now, and she can't find it with her foster father, because the foster father has clearly stated that she should not go to him for anything on the bright side, and let her solve it by herself.

Huo Jinzhi glanced at her, his lips were slightly sarcastic, and he said, "Teacher, I'm not aimless, I have evidence to say these words, so let's wait for me, teacher, and I'll show you something. "

"Oh well!"

The head teacher was also aroused curiosity, what kind of baby is it?

Huo Jinzhi left the office~www.readwn.com~ and walked quickly. His car was parked at the gate of the school, and it took ten minutes to go back and forth. During these ten minutes, Shen Yuzhu was on his back and felt uneasy.

Ten minutes seemed like ten years later, Huo Jinzhi finally came back, first glanced at Shen Yuzhu, smiled slightly, Shen Yuzhu's back froze, as if being stared at by a poisonous snake, cold sweat dripped down.

"Teacher please, I got this by accident. In fact, this student Shen Yuzhu is quite famous in Wucheng. He is quite aggressive in his work, a little unscrupulous, and likes to take shortcuts, especially in the business of male customers."

Huo Jinzhi took out something from his trouser pocket and covered it with his hands, making it mysterious. Several teachers gathered around and heard Huo Jinzhi's specious words, his face flushed with embarrassment.

Teachers are all smart people with stronger understanding. How could they not understand the meaning of these words? I couldn't help but believe a little bit, and looked at Shen Yuzhu with even more contempt.

"I don't, I do business in a proper way..." Shen Yuzhu shouted, but his heart became more and more uneasy.

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