Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1484: The guardian has a lot of background

Shen Yuzhu was shocked and stood stunned, like a basin of cold water pouring on him, and then went crazy again, rushing towards Huo Jinzhi with his teeth and claws, but he had already left the office.

She jumped in the air, but couldn't hold it back for a while, she hit the door frame, slammed, her eyes flashed with gold stars, and there was another injury on her head, but she was still facing the door, very eye-catching.

The head teacher shook his head, his attitude became cold, and let Shen Yuzhu stay in the office. He was going to report to the principal, and then asked for the phone number of Shen Yuzhu's guardian.

"Teacher, I...I really didn't do those things..."

Shen Yuzhu begged pitifully, but now she has a bruised nose and a swollen face, with a terrifying image, and in the head teacher's heart, she is already a woman who is as lovable as possible. The effect is counterproductive, and the head teacher hates her even more.

He has seen the photos, it is clear and clear, and he has the face to say that he is innocent, such a shameless person, no wonder Tang Xiaonan such a good student can't help but fight.

He wants to beat him now.

The head teacher didn't say a word and went straight away.

Shen Yuzhu stood alone in the office, the pain on her body and face reminded her that what happened just now was not a nightmare, and that her beautiful campus life was not accidentally ruined by that little **** Tang Xiaonan.

This little **** is right in one sentence, she and the little **** can't live in the same space, either Tang Xiaonan died or she died.

She has to kill this little bitch.

The head teacher arrived at the principal's office and found that Huo Jinzhi had arrived first, and he seemed to be quite familiar with the principal.

The principal introduced Huo Jinzhi's identity, and the head teacher was immediately awe-inspiring. It turned out that this was the mysterious donor in the legend, and he was also Tang Xiaonan's fiancé. No wonder Tang Xiaonan's girl is very squeamish. She is spoiled by such a fiancé. Weird.

The head teacher directly handed the photo to the principal, and briefly explained the situation of Shen Yuzhu. The principal is a serious-faced little old man. Be clear.


"Cough cough cough..."

The poor old principal almost coughed out a heart attack, his face turned into a pig's liver, he suppressed the photo with his backhand, and said angrily, "You're making dirty pictures at school. What are you doing, Gao?"

The head teacher's surname was Gao, so he quickly explained that the principal was dubious~www.readwn.com~ and had to put on reading glasses again, and he was good at covering the important places, only showing Shen Yuzhu's face, and then he recognized that it was indeed Shen Yuzhu.

"How can this child be like this, it's too outrageous, it's unreasonable..."

The old principal was ashamed, angry, and remorseful. How could he bring such a bad student to the school, and almost ruined a pot of soup with a mouse poop. He was ashamed of the school.

"Principal, do you think it would be better for the guardian of this classmate Shen to come and make it clearer." The head teacher suggested.

"It should be made clear."

The old principal nodded again and again to find out the guardian's phone number, and he wanted to contact him in person.

Huo Jinzhi's eyes darkened, as long as there was that photo, even FD University would expel the student involved. He had the right to do so, but the old principal had to call the guardian first, indicating that Shen Yuzhu's guardian was not an ordinary person. .

At least it can deter the old principal.

This status is very remarkable. After all, the old principal is not the principal of an ordinary school, but a middle school attached to FD. He can be regarded as a person with a head and face in Songcheng.

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