Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1490: Threatening the end of the boss, deducting 0 money

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"It's okay not to eat."

Huo Jinzhi sneered, and familiarly took out a bunch of snacks from the drawer, and then took out a few packs from under Tang Xiaonan's pillow, as well as in the schoolbag. Within two minutes, all the snacks in Tang Xiaonan's room were searched by him. Came out, not a pack left.

Tang Xiaonan stared blankly at the gangster's sassy operation, **** it, this is her last stubbornness, the boss is too much!

"At night, I told Aunt Yang, don't cook your meals, do your homework in the house."

Huo Jinzhi pretended to leave, and took a lot of snacks. Tang Xiaonan hugged his thigh in a hurry.

"No, Brother Huo...Brother...Brother..."

Tang Xiaonan just barely called her father, those snacks are her life.

The corners of Huo Jinzhi's lips rose, and the smile in his eyes deepened, but he turned his back and Tang Xiaonan couldn't see it. He thought he was really angry. The tone of each sound is different, and in Huo Jinzhi's ears, it is like a wonderful piece of music.

If it weren't for the fear of this girl's suspicion, he actually wanted to pretend for a while, and he could listen to it a few more times.

"Do you still need to eat threats in the future?"


How dare Tang Xiaonan, she is very honest and well-behaved.

"Let's not be an example, otherwise you will deduct your pocket money." Huo Jinzhi put the snacks back in the drawer.

Tang Xiaonan raised her eyes timidly, the big guy had a stern face, and she immediately lowered her head in fright, the back of her neck was cold, did she just eat bear's heart and leopard's guts? How dare you threaten the boss?

Huo Jinzhi actually softened his heart long ago, but he still held it. This girl is a ghost, and if he let go a little, he would definitely gain an inch.

"Don't pay attention to Shen Yuzhu's place, and don't get along with her alone, or stay at home." Huo Jinzhi was still worried, and he couldn't follow at any time.

Tang Xiaonan didn't want to. She wanted to go to school to stare at Shen Yuzhu.

When Huo Jinzhi had eaten dinner and left, and was about to go to bed, Tang Xiaonan patted her forehead angrily. She clearly wanted to ask who took the photo, but she was fooled by the boss and educated her.

Hmph, it must have been taken by Huo Jinzhi, you rascal!

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth and scolded a few words, and went to sleep sadly. She bit someone a few times in her dream, and she saw blood. She was still laughing when she woke up in the morning.

Shen Yuzhu became Tang Xiaonan's classmate in this way. The head teacher could only accept it if she didn't like it, and no one wanted to share the table with her~www.readwn.com~ Shen Yuzhu sat alone in the back, facing Chai Yuxiang from a distance, two seats away .

The classmates didn't want to play with her. Shen Yuzhu was isolated by her classmates. Only a few male classmates would talk to her. After class, she didn't go outside. She sat alone in the classroom in a daze, looking preoccupied.

"The woman was very pretentious. I hit her lightly just now, and she screamed like a stab. Others thought I hit her hard."

Chai Yuxiang ran over with an angry expression, biting her ears with Tang Xiaonan.

"Cousin, don't provoke her, do you want to end like Huang Fengxian?" Tang Xiaonan warned.

Chai Yuxiang groaned in her heart, thinking of Huang Fengxian's miserable appearance when she died, cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, and after a while, Tang Xiaonan said, "Brother Huo, don't let us provoke her, don't disrupt his plan, cousin, please remember! "

"Oh, I won't mess with her anymore."

Chai Yuxiang nodded vigorously.

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