Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1492: evade a doctor's examination

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Shen Yuzhu was knocked to the ground, and Tang Xiaonan almost fell, and was supported by Chai Yuxiang.

After Tang Xiaonan stood still, she realized that something was wrong with Shen Yuzhu. She lay on the ground for a long time without getting up, and the moaning//groaning became louder.

It was just a bump, how could it be so serious, this woman has acted too much, and it has become a conditioned reflex.

Shen Yuzhu didn't make a sound, and was still lying on the ground, groaning with his head down, looking from the side, the cold sweat on his face dripped on the ground, it didn't look like he was acting.

"It seems to be true." Chai Yuxiang whispered.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, she also saw that it didn't look like she was acting, but how powerful was her collision?

The physical education teacher came over and reached out to help her, but as soon as she touched Shen Yuzhu's body, she seemed to be stung by a bee, her body bounced off, and she struggled to get up.

"I'm fine..."

Shen Yuzhu lowered his head, his voice was low, and he looked pitiful. Several male classmates also cast dissatisfied eyes at Tang Xiaonan. They all saw the new classmate who was knocked down by Tang Xiaonan just now.

Although the new classmates may have bad behavior, there is no evidence for those, and no one knows whether they are true or false. Now Tang Xiaonan deliberately targeted the new classmates, but they witnessed it with their own eyes. Therefore, a few people's scales are biased towards Shen Yuzhu's side, feeling that Tang Xiaonan Too rude.

Tang Xiaonan felt the dissatisfied eyes of these people, although she didn't care about the opinions of these classmates, she was still uncomfortable, and said: "It is true that I knocked you down, since it is so serious, then go to the infirmary, I will take you there. ."

She still suspected that Shen Yuzhu was acting, and a light bump was more serious than being hit by a car. She didn't believe it.

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Shen Yuzhu refused. It seemed that she really didn't want to go to the infirmary. In order to show that she was really fine, she shook her arm a few times, but if her expression was more natural, she would be more persuasive.

Now she has a painful expression on her face, and no one will believe that she is really okay, not even the PE teacher.

"Let's go to the infirmary, Tang Xiaonan, Chai Yuxiang, you two will take this classmate there."

The teacher's arrangement was exactly what Tang Xiaonan wanted, so she readily agreed, winked at her cousin, and the two of them, one by one, dragged the reluctant Shen Yuzhu towards the infirmary.

"I'm really fine, I don't need to go...Tang Xiaonan, let me go!"

Shen Yuzhu wanted to break free, but every time he moved, he felt severe pain, his face sweated more, and his expression became more painful. Tang Xiaonan deepened his suspicions. Such a painful appearance must be real, and it must not have just happened. hurt.

It's only been one night~www.readwn.com~ How could Shen Yuzhu have so many more injuries?

Did she become a thief at night?

The school doctor is a kind middle-aged female doctor with a smile on her face. Tang Xiaonan has been here a few times before, because she hates running, so she escaped with a stomachache, and then was arranged by the physical education teacher to come to the infirmary. Doctors know her.

"Where is the pain today, classmate Tang Xiaonan?" the doctor asked teasingly.

"It's this classmate. I knocked her down and fell. It seems a little serious. Please check with the doctor." Tang Xiaonan was righteous and her back was straight.

This time, she ran 800 meters without any guilt.

"I'm fine...I really don't need to look..."

Shen Yuzhu is still pushing away, she doesn't want people to see her injuries, whether it's new or old, she doesn't want people to see them.

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