Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1499: you have something familiar

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Huo Jinzhi exchanged a few words in a hasty manner, then made an excuse to talk to other people, away from Lin Liming, Tang Xiaonan's uncomfortable feeling disappeared immediately, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Don't be afraid."

Huo Jinzhi squeezed her hand, he felt the girl's nervousness just now.

"I'm not afraid, I just respond."

Tang Xiaonan sighed again, she really wasn't afraid, she just simply responded to Lin Liming and Shen Yuzhu.

If she had known that the two would be attending the reception, she would not come.

Zhou Xinqun and his wife came to talk to them, and Tang Xiaonan's attention was diverted by this interruption.

After the reception, Shen Yuzhu followed Lin Liming back to the hotel.

"You and Tang Xiaonan grew up together?" Lin Liming asked coldly.

Shen Yuzhu's heart tightened, he nodded, and his fists clenched tightly.

"Who did Tang Xiaonan learn English from?" Lin Liming was very interested and showed great interest in Tang Xiaonan.

"It's a gangster who is assigned to our village. He used to be a university professor." Shen Yuzhu didn't dare to lie, and his fists clenched even tighter.

"You didn't follow along?"

Lin Liming asked casually, but like a knife, it hurt Shen Yuzhu's heart. She bit her lips and replied in a low voice, "I first learned English with that old professor, and later was seen by Tang Xiaonan, and she also wanted to follow. To learn, let the adults in the family tell the old professor, and the old professor is not allowed to teach other people, I...I stopped learning."

After thinking about it, she added: "Tang Xiaonan's family is very powerful in the village. The village chief and her grandfather are brothers."

Lin Liming's eyes became more interested, "So, Tang Xiaonan took away your learning opportunity?"

"Forget it, maybe it's because my relationship with the old professor is too shallow." Shen Yuzhu carefully chose his words.

Lin Liming suspected that he was seriously ill. In front of him, Shen Yuzhu rarely spoke long sentences. When answering questions, he would think twice, for fear of accidentally angering him.

"You hate Tang Xiaonan?"

"I'm jealous of her. What she wants, people around her will do everything possible to get it for her. Even if she does something wrong, she can easily be forgiven." Shen Yuzhu said through gritted teeth.

Lin Liming's eyes became brighter, and he stared at Shen Yuzhu for a long time, and saw her back sweating coldly. In just a few seconds, it seemed like a century had passed.

"Do you know why I left you alone?" Lin Liming asked suddenly.

"Because the righteous father is merciful."

"Compassion? Hehe..."

Lin Liming smiled sarcastically, "You don't have to hide your little thoughts in front of me~www.readwn.com~ The reason why I keep you is because I think you have something familiar to me."

For the first fifteen years of his life, he lived in a poor valley where he ate potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn for many years.

When his grandparents were alive, he had a good life, but when his grandparents died, he lived like a dog.

Just because he doesn't have a father.

His mother was too sick to protect him, so he had to protect his mother, but in the end he couldn't protect him, or maybe he didn't want to protect him. In the end, his mother was bullied by the men in the village, but the man left behind Small bags of rice noodles.

After that, the man would come every once in a while, sometimes bringing things, sometimes empty-handed, and hitting him when he was in a bad mood, but this man was rarely in a good mood.

This matter is not a secret in the village, so he is even more looked down upon. After that, his mother was so ill that even a second-rate child looked down on him, and his life was even more difficult.

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