Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1506: 3 brother's peach blossom is here

In a blink of an eye, it was the weekend, and Tang Aijun was at home. He came back to rest.

I just played a game a few days ago, and the results were very good. After a few days of rest at home, I have to return to the team for training. Next month, there will be a very important game abroad, which is related to Tang Aijun's career, so this game is very important, and it is not allowed to play a bit. error.

Tang Aijun is already a freshman at Imperial College, majoring in financial management, but now his main focus is on competitions, and his studies are a bit loose.

However, he can keep his student status and take credits slowly when he has time. Tang Aijun has grown a little taller, almost two meters tall. Standing in front of him like a mountain, he is still a good brother who loves his sister, but his temper is still as impulsive as before angry.

"Xiao Nan, I went out to play, and I won't go home for lunch."

Tang Aijun has been in the house since he woke up in the morning, and it took nearly an hour to fix it. His hair was moussed, and his clothes, pants and shoes were all new. He was completely new from head to toe, and his body was still fragrant.


Tang Xiaonan sneezed several times in succession, covering her nose and looking at the third brother in disgust, is this a bottle of perfume?

And dressed like a flower peacock, are you going on a date?

"Third brother, who are you going to play with?"

Tang Xiaonan casually inquired about the situation, the peach blossoms were blooming, and she had to help the third brother to stop the rotten peach blossoms.

"Just a friend."

Tang Aijun said lightly, avoiding the danger, but how could Tang Xiaonan be so easy to deceive, "A man and a woman?"

"There are both men and women, Xiao Nan, your housekeeper, ask so many questions."

Tang Aijun rolled his eyes unhappily, but his dark face turned darker, and his ears were suspiciously red. Tang Xiaonan could roughly guess that she was definitely a girl.

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At a flash of inspiration, she suddenly thought of a person and asked loudly, "Is it Sister Fangyuan?"

Fang Yuan was admitted to the Law Department of Imperial Capital University as she wished. She was in the same class as her third brother, and she also went to Mopan Mountain once. Tang Xiaonan saw Fang Yuan when she grew up. Just kidding, when he looks at people, he looks like an old cadre, and there is nothing to hide from ghosts and monsters.

"No... What are children doing so much nosy, be careful not to grow taller."

Tang Aijun's ears turned even redder, he rubbed a few handfuls of Tang Xiaonan's hair impatiently, and was about to leave as soon as his long legs took a step, but there was a human-shaped object hanging on him.

Tang Xiaonan hugged his arm and played a rogue like swinging on a swing, "Third brother, if you don't tell the truth, I'll call Mom and say that you're on two boats, and you're always messing around and then abandoning it."

Tang Aijun's face turned pale. If his mother heard these words, she would definitely split his head with a pig-killing knife. How could his sister become so blackhearted?

It was all taught by that black-hearted guy Huo Jinzhi.

"Xiao Nan, don't talk nonsense, let go!"

"No loose, is it Sister Fangyuan?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I'm going to take care of it. I don't care about others. Third brother, don't be a bitch. Yes, no, no."

"I won't tell you, why should I tell you?"

"Then I'll call Mommy..."

Tang Xiaonan landed on the ground and made a gesture to make a phone call. Tang Aijun immediately hugged her in fright and coaxed her, "It's your sister Fangyuan. She came to Songcheng to participate in the debate. I'll take her outside to play."

"Third brother, are you and sister Fangyuan dating? Where have you reached? Have you kissed?" Tang Xiaonan's heart of gossip was eager to move, and she really wanted to know if the veteran cadres would also be emotional when they dealt with them?

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