Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1510: Tang Aijun is gone

"I'm looking for Shen Yuzhu."

Tang Xiaonan showed the card to the waiter, glanced around, and saw many familiar classmates, as well as Shen Yuzhu, who was dancing on the stage, and her dance partner was Fu Haiwen.

The two were talented and beautiful, and they wore the same color clothes. Shen Yuzhu was wearing a white dress, and Fu Haiwen was wearing a white suit. They danced gracefully on the dance floor like a pair of people, attracting many people's attention.

Tang Xiaonan pushed the waiter away and walked directly to the dance floor. She couldn't wait.

"Didn't you tell me? Why are you here again?" Liu Shanxing suddenly jumped out and stopped Tang Xiaonan with a particularly bashful expression.

"none of your business!"

Tang Xiaonan kicked over, she is in a bad mood now.

"What's wrong with you!"

Liu Shanxing cried out in pain, glaring angrily at Tang Xiaonan, she could see that her face was frosty, and she shrank her neck again, not daring to scold.

Yu Duoduo also came over and was surprised to see Tang Xiaonan, but her upbringing did not allow her to be noisy in public, so she dragged Liu Shanxing away.

The other classmates also saw Tang Xiaonan, and they all had doubts on their faces. After all, Tang Xiaonan and Shen Yuzhu had such a tense relationship, and they had clearly refused, so why did they suddenly come again?

Tang Xiaonan actually wanted to make a riot, but she didn't dare.

She didn't know what happened to the third brother now. If there was a big trouble, it might affect the third brother, so she could only go to Shen Yuzhu.

Shen Yuzhu had actually seen Tang Xiaonan, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and the fish really took the bait.

After tonight, Tang Xiaonan can no longer threaten her.

After the dance, Shen Yuzhu and Fu Haiwen said a word, then left the dance floor and found Tang Xiaonan.

The two stood face to face.

"Where's my third brother?"

"Come with me."

Shen Yuzhu smiled slightly, her eyes contented, she would arrange an unforgettable night for Tang Xiaonan, and her adoptive father would also thank her. From now on, she will be the princess of this world, and Tang Xiaonan can no longer stand in her way.

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth and followed Shen Yuzhu upstairs. The banquet hall has a side door, and there is an elevator when you go out. You can go to the upstairs room.

The elevator slowly rose, Tang Xiaonan and Shen Yuzhu didn't speak, the numbers kept changing, and they stopped when they jumped to six.

Shen Yuzhu got out of the elevator first and walked in front, Tang Xiaonan followed behind, with a bottle of chili water in his hand, the corridor was quiet, covered with a thick carpet, walking on it silently, looking particularly depressing.

"Your third brother is here."

Shen Yuzhu stopped at the door of a room and motioned Tang Xiaonan to go in.

"You are advanced."

Tang Xiaonan didn't move, she didn't believe this woman.

Shen Yuzhu smiled slightly, took out the key and opened the door. Now that Tang Xiaonan is the meat on her chopping board, she is in a very good mood, so let Tang Xiaonan jump a few more times before she dies.

"See, your third brother is here..."

Shen Yuzhu proudly pointed to the big bed, but his smile froze for a moment, the bed was empty, not even a ghost.

Tang Xiaonan took a few steps back and sneered: "Shen Yuzhu, what did you do to my third brother? My third brother is the main player of the national team. You can destroy him, but can you afford the consequences? Can one Lin Liming protect you?"

"It's already on my site, where else do you want to go? Just stay with me!"

Shen Yuzhu's face was ugly. The development of things was different from what she expected. Tang Aijun was still in the room half an hour ago and was drugged by her. She was sure that Tang Aijun couldn't move.

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