Mrs. Yu felt that her granddaughter must have been greatly wronged. The granddaughter has been spoiled since she was a child, and she has never suffered any grievance. She and her husband have carefully taught her over the years.

Although the granddaughter has a big temper and a small mind, she is a kind-hearted child with no problem in her character, and she will help her with housework in her spare time.

Now she is crying so sadly, as if she was wronged by Tianda, Mrs. Yu was very distressed, and cried with her granddaughter, Liu Shanxing was forgotten like this.

After entering the house, Yu Duoduo was still crying, and even Professor Yu was alarmed. The old couple was distressed and worried, so they had to ask Huo Jinzhi.

"I just came back from the imperial capital, let Xiaonan tell you, she knows better." Huo Jinzhi replied.

Tang Xiaonan talked about the Peace Hotel, including Tang Aijun being drugged and she went to save people.

"Amitabha, how can there be such a bad person? Is that Shen Yuzhu dating Haiwen? How could Haiwen find such a vicious girlfriend? It's vicious!"

Mrs. Yu's heart skipped a beat when she heard it. She was surrounded by gentle intellectuals or ladies. She had never met someone as vicious as Shen Yuzhu. She also felt more distressed for her granddaughter and cried with her arms around Yu Duoduo.

"My Duoduo auspicious person, fortunately there is no accident, God bless!"

Professor Yu was also very afraid, but fortunately Tang Xiaonan returned to save the people, otherwise the granddaughter would fall into the hands of the wicked, and he still didn't know what would happen.

"Xiao Nan, thank you!"

Professor Yu got up and bowed to Tang Xiaonan, and Mrs. Yu also got up to bow. Tang Xiaonan hurriedly got up and bent over. She couldn't bear such a big ceremony from the elders.

"Grandpa Yu, Grandma Yu, don't be like this, Duoduo and I are classmates, it's impossible to die without saving."

"You are a good boy, Duoduo she..."

Mrs. Yu didn't say any more, and sighed deeply. She knew how much her granddaughter disliked Tang Xiaonan, and she always targeted Xiaonan openly and secretly. Fortunately, Xiaonan was broad-minded and did not have the same knowledge as her granddaughter.

"Where's Shanxing, why didn't she come back?" Professor Yu finally found out that something was wrong. Liu Shanxing didn't come back together. He didn't know what happened to Liu Shanxing.

Yu Duoduo's body froze, her expression became indignant, she gritted her teeth, and her eyes shone with hatred. She finally saw Liu Shanxing's true face, hypocritical, selfish and vicious. Like Shen Yuzhu, they were the same kind.

Although Yu Duoduo has never said, Tang Xiaonan can guess something. After being caught by Shen Yuzhu, Liu Shanxing should have done some disgusting things, otherwise Yu Duoduo would not have done this. sad.

"At that time, the situation was urgent and only one person could be saved, but Liu Shanxing could not be rescued." Tang Xiaonan explained.

Mrs. Yu kept reciting Buddha, but fortunately Tang Xiaonan chose her granddaughter. Although she also likes Liu Shanxing, but after all, Yu Duoduo is a relative, Liu Shanxing and her are not related by blood, and her selfishness must be biased towards her granddaughter.

"Then hurry up and call the police to save Shan Xing." Professor Yu was anxious.

Grandpa Liu Shanxing is his savior. After he brought the child out, he had to take good care of him. If something went wrong, how would he explain to the savior?

Tang Xiaonan looked at Yu Duoduo, who was still crying. Let this girl decide whether to call or not. She really doesn't care about Liu Shanxing's safety.

"Grandpa Yu, you should ask your granddaughter's opinion." Huo Jinzhi suggested.

Professor Yu was stunned, and looked at his granddaughter doubtfully, "Duoduo, what's going on?"

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