A stupid thing who can't get on the stage, still slandering her behind her back, saying that she has wide-eyed eyes, and that she has many men... Hmph, these words have already been passed to her, so what if they are true, No matter how bad she is, she is a hundred times stronger than this idiot.

Now this idiot is not the original one. The experience of the previous hour is enough for this idiot to reminisce for a lifetime.

Shen Yuzhu also hates Yu Duoduo, but unfortunately Yu Duoduo escaped today, so he can only find a way to deal with that idiot later, but it's okay to add some blockage to the Yu family now.

Liu Shanxing lay motionless and seemed very calm, but in fact she hated her.

Hate Shen Yuzhu, hate Tang Xiaonan, hate Yu Duoduo, and also hate the Yu family.

"Shen Yuzhu, what qualifications do you have to look down on me? You keep saying that you are a foster father, but you are just a wild man who takes care of you. There are more than one. You are the best person you can pretend to be in front of me!"

Liu Shan couldn't help but tore off Shen Yuzhu's fig leaf.

The men who tortured her just now must all be Shen Yuzhu's wild men.

This **** can't satisfy a wild man by herself, and she is shameless to be a pimp. Even if she die 10,000 times, she won't be able to get rid of her hatred.

Shen Yuzhu's face changed greatly, and her eyes became cold and severe. She was going to leave, but this **** still wanted to provoke her. Humph, she'll show this **** a little more color.

He took out the camera from his bag, loaded the film skillfully, and took several pictures of Liu Shanxing, who was barely clothed.

"What are you doing? Stop filming..."

Liu Shanxing wanted to grab the sheet to cover herself, but she didn't have any strength on her body, so she couldn't move her hands and feet. When she finally grabbed the sheet, Shen Yuzhu had already filmed, and in that short time, a roll of film was finished.

"Give me the camera...Shen Yuzhu, give it to me, I beg you, I was dizzy just now, that's why I said those words, I was wrong..."

Liu Shanxing knelt on the bed and begged bitterly, her bowels were turning blue.

I regret wanting to see Tang Xiaonan make a fool of herself and keep up with the sixth floor.

I regret not cooperating with Yu Duoduo when Yu Duoduo winked at her.

I regret provoking Shen Yuzhu just now.

Shen Yuzhu looked down at Liu Shanxing in a low voice, and said coldly, "I will keep these photos for the time being. As for whether to return them to you, it depends on your performance."

"I must behave well, I will listen to you in everything, please give it back to me!" Liu Shanxing begged, if these photos were spread out, she would not be able to live.

"I can't give it to you now~www.readwn.com~ Liu Shanxing, I know very well what kind of person you are. You are a Zhongshan wolf who is rampant when you are successful, but as long as you are obedient, I will definitely give it back to you." Shen Yuzhu said slowly Slowly coaxing, she didn't believe that Liu Shanxing wouldn't take the bait.

"I'm obedient, I'll do whatever you ask me to do."

"Very well, let me ask you, how do you tell the Yu family about the injury on your body?"

Liu Shanxing hesitated, then gritted his teeth and replied, "I... I said I fell by myself, so I won't tell you."

She also didn't want people to know that her innocence was gone. It was just a nightmare tonight, and she would forget it tomorrow.

"Whatever you want to make up, it's your business, but if you tell me and my adoptive father, huh, these photos will bloom everywhere!" Shen Yuzhu's voice was cold, like an ice ball, and Liu Shanxing felt cold all over her body. , where dare not listen.

"I won't say it, I definitely won't say it, I swear, please don't spread the photo out, please..."

Liu Shanxing was frightened and panicked, unable to cry, she had completely collapsed, and was completely led by Shen Yuzhu's nose.

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