Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1545: The king does not want to play with bronze

Tang Xiaonan was also very emotional and somewhat relieved. The unruly and ignorant little girl has finally grown up and sensible, and Professor Yu and his wife can feel at ease.

Liu Shanxing and Shen Yuzhu, the two poisonous snakes, have done a good deed indirectly.

Yu Duoduo pursed her lips, got up and walked in front of Tang Xiaonan, and suddenly bowed to her, Tang Xiaonan was startled and got up too.

"Thank you for coming back to save me. I used to target you all the time, and you don't care about me a lot. It's no wonder that you are popular. I won't be jealous of you anymore. You are indeed very popular."

Yu Duoduo's expression was a little awkward and arrogant. What she actually wanted to say was that she likes Tang Xiaonan quite a bit now, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Tang Xiaonan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although this girl has grown up, her tone of speech is still quite annoying.

"Actually, I didn't go back because of you. I just don't want your grandparents to be sad."

Tang Xiaonan also told the truth, and her attitude was very sincere. She was not noble enough to repay her grievances with virtue.

"But you came back at the risk of being caught. Anyway, I won't target you again in the future."

Yu Duoduo's expression became even more awkward, but Tang Xiaonan said that, she was not so awkward and felt much more comfortable. After all, she also felt that her previous self was really annoying.

Tang Xiaonan smiled, and felt even more amusing in her heart. She didn't take this girl to heart at all. It was Yu Duoduo who was always singing a one-man show, but she couldn't say that, saying that Yu Duoduo would definitely blow her hair.

Yu Duoduo added: "I didn't mean to target you before, it was Liu Shanxing who said that grandparents like you very much, and said that you tried your best to please grandparents, just want grandparents to recognize you as granddaughter, when the time comes kick me out of the house..."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes and couldn't help but stabbed, "I have my own grandparents, they love me, I also have my parents, uncles, aunts and brothers, everyone in my family loves me, why do you want to go to your house? ?"

Yu Duoduo's expression was a little embarrassed, and now she also felt that she was too stupid to believe such a childish instigation, but she believed it at that time.

"I was so stupid before, sorry."

Yu Duoduo bowed again, just because Liu Shanxing stirred up discord in her ears from time to time. In the past six years, she has been targeting Tang Xiaonan all the time, and she should apologize.

"I forgive you~www.readwn.com~ You have to be smarter in the future, don't be deceived again."

Tang Xiaonan accepted the girl's apology, was able to recognize the mistake, and apologized, indicating that Yu Duoduo was not hopeless, and without Liu Shanxing's provocation in the future, this girl should be more likable.

Yu Duoduo bit his lip, hesitated for a long time, and asked in a low voice, "I... can I play with you in the future?"

Tang Xiaonan was stunned, a little dumbfounded, is this flower of friendship blooming too fast?

She didn't plan to make friends with Yu Duoduo.

"We may not be able to play together. After all, I am a mature-minded person, and there is a generation gap between us." Tang Xiaonan said sincerely.

She doesn't want to play with childish ghosts and affect her to make big money.

The adults next to them all laughed, and they were very happy to see the two girls playing together. Yu Duoduo used to be ignorant, but now he is finally sensible. Professor Yu and his wife really hope that the smart and sensible Tang Xiaonan can take their scum with them. The granddaughter played, and by the way, let the granddaughter improve her IQ.

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