Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1547: Fang Yuan's little fan girl

Tang Xiaonan blinked, feeling a strange feeling in her heart, but she didn't think much about it, Fang Yuan rescued Yu Duoduo, and it was normal for this girl to inquire about the benefactor.

"It's called Fangyuan, I go to Imperial University, and like me, I'm from Yuecheng."

"My sister's name is really nice. She's as beautiful as hers, she's so talented, and her kung fu is so good. She has both civil and military skills. Did she come to Songcheng to play? Where does she live?"

Yu Duoduo blinked with star eyes, and took a photo of the rainbow, full of infatuation, completely different from the way she talked to Tang Xiaonan before.

Thanking Tang Xiaonan felt like being forced to open a business, but now it's like meeting a sweetheart who actively solicits customers, which is qualitatively different.

Tang Xiaonan felt a strange feeling in her heart again, but she didn't think much about it, and agreed: "Sister Fangyuan is indeed very good. She came to Songcheng to participate in the debate. It was your cousin Fu Haiwen who invited her to Shen Yuzhu's birthday party."

Hearing Shen Yuzhu's name, Yu Duoduo showed disgust, she even disliked her cousin now.

"Sister Fangyuan and my cousin are good friends?" Yu Duoduo asked.

"It doesn't matter, sister Fang Yuan and my third brother are good friends, especially good friends." Tang Xiaonan emphasized that her third brother, Fu Haiwen, is a fart, and Fang Yuan is her future third sister-in-law.

Yu Duoduo breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she didn't get along with her cousin, a idiot like her cousin was not worthy of a talented girl.

"Tang Xiaonan, which hotel is Sister Fangyuan staying at? I want to thank her."

"I don't know. I have to go back and ask my third brother. I'll call you then."

"Excuse me, by the way, what does Miss Fangyuan like? I want to give her a present."

Tang Xiaonan shook her head, the feeling in her heart was even more strange, Yu Duoduo's enthusiasm was a little abnormal, but she was excusable, at that time, it was so critical, Fang Yuan was like a fairy descending to earth, saving the girl from fire and water, Yu Duo It's normal to be grateful.

Yu Duoduo was a little disappointed, but she was not discouraged. After Tang Xiaonan asked her benefactor's sister's address, she went to the door to thank her in person, and then she could find out if she got close to her benefactor's sister.

Three days have passed since the incident at the hotel. Tang Xiaonan and Yu Duoduo both went to class. Liu Shanxing was still in the hospital, and Professor Yu took her out of school.

Shen Yuzhu also came to class like nothing else~www.readwn.com~ Seeing Yu Duoduo even smiled and said hello, but Yu Duoduo was disgusted.

But now Yu Duoduo has matured a lot, and she endured it abruptly. She waited to see Shen Yuzhu's bad luck, not having the same knowledge as such a slut.

But Shen Yuzhu had to take an inch, and Yu Duoduo couldn't bear it anymore and finally broke out.

When they were eating in the cafeteria, Yu Duoduo, Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang had a meal together and sat down to eat together, chatting and laughing, and the meal was very pleasant.

Shen Yuzhu and Fu Haiwen came to eat together. Fu Haiwen was the male **** of the school back then. Many juniors and younger sisters knew him. Seeing Shen Yuzhu and the male **** walking closely together, many female classmates were envious.

Chai Yuxiang saw it first, sneered, and said to Yu Duoduo, "Did your cousin's eyes get smeared with shit? Who is not good with, and if you have a relationship with such a broken shoe, you are not afraid of green oil on the top of your head."

She was in a very complicated mood now. She couldn't love the male god, and turned to hatred, which turned into a love-hate relationship. She also hated that iron could not become steel, and was worried that Fu Haiwen would be harmed by Shen Yuzhu.

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