Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1549: The momentum of the Yu family's 0 gold

Tang Xiaonan and Yu Duoduo looked at each other coldly. They were talking and laughing a second ago, but now they can't stand each other. Chai Yuxiang was speechless and didn't bother to persuade them. She still didn't understand why these two people suddenly got better.

It's just a weekend, it seems like the weather has changed. The hated Liu Shanxing dropped out of school, and the equally hated Yu Duoduo made friends with his cousin, and now they fell out again.

It's not for men, but for the future three cousins.

The more Chai Yuxiang thought about it, the more her head hurt. She really couldn't understand such a complicated triangular relationship, so she simply gave up. She lowered her head to eat, and glanced forward from time to time. Shen Yuzhu and her male **** had already prepared meals and were walking towards this side.

She was so angry that she took the spoon and stabbed it in the basin so hard that the vegetables were mushy, and it couldn't quell the fire in her heart.

Fu Haiwen can be with anyone, but with Shen Yuzhu, Chai Yuxiang is really unwilling and mad at her.

"If you poke my cousin again, I won't like you. Are your eyes bad? You look like a dog. Why do you like my cousin? You don't know how to like a lot of good men out there? "

Yu Duoduo really can't understand why there are so many silly women who like my cousin, Liu Shanxing likes it, and Chai Yuxiang likes it too. In her opinion, the cousin is not good-looking, and he is fake, which is worth liking. already?

"Who likes it? I think the rice is too hard and I eat it into a paste. Do you have any opinion?"

Chai Yuxiang stared angrily, scooped up a large spoonful of rice and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing with her cheeks puffed up, but it was a pity that she was chewing wax, and her heart was even more sour, because Fu Haiwen and Shen Yuzhu actually walked up to her.

"You still have vacancies, do you mind if I sit with Yuzhu?" Fu Haiwen asked with a smile.

"I'm very interested!"

Tang Xiaonan and the three of them spoke in unison, especially Yu Duoduo, who just rushed up to beat her, and just killed her, but now they are pretending to be in front of her like nothing else, M, I really thought she was easy to bully!

The smile on Fu Haiwen's face was stagnant. He didn't expect that his invincible charm would be useless now. The atmosphere suddenly became awkward. He laughed a few times and found a step, "I'm too selfish, haha... ...I'll look for other vacancies."

Yu Duoduo glared at Shen Yuzhu with gritted teeth. She thought of what happened in the hotel that day again. She would never forget Shen Yuzhu's ugly face in her life.

"Cousin~www.readwn.com~ If you stay with her again, both of our relatives will not do it in the future. This is what my grandparents said. I will tell you."

Fu Haiwen's complexion changed slightly. His mother was Madam Yu's maiden niece, and she walked with the Yu family quite frequently. Now Yu Duoduo has even spoken out about not being a relative, and even moved out of Professor Yu and his wife, it's not like a joke .

"Duoduo, do you have a misunderstanding about Yuzhu? How about I arrange for you to have dinner together one day and clear up the misunderstanding?"

"There's no misunderstanding, just simply disgusting and hating this woman. My grandparents are the same, including your aunt and uncle. If you still insist on being with this woman, cousin, do you know what the consequences will be for you?"

At this time, Yu Duoduo's aura was wide open, and he had the aura of a daughter of the Yu family.

Fu Haiwen's face was already ugly. He went back to his alma mater today to do business and had a meal with Shen Yuzhu. How could he know that such a thing suddenly happened. Yu Duoduo can say these words, which means that the elders in the family must have mentioned it to her. , so it is not out of nothing.

This is not good news for him.

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