Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1557: cook by yourself

"Lin Liming is sick."

Huo Jinzhi felt a bit illusory. He thought that even if Lin Liming was reprimanded by the old man, he should still be able to continue to serve as the director. After all, he had such a big backer as the old man. Surely it won't move him.

But now he suddenly receded from the illness. It was quite sudden. Huo Jinyi couldn't accept it for a while. If the call was not from Ai's family, he would definitely not believe it.

"Retire from illness? Well, how come the illness has receded? What's wrong with Lin Liming?"

Tang Xiaonan also felt mysterious. She was still talking about this pervert just now. She still wanted Mr. Lin to be wise, but she raised such a **** son.

Now there is good news suddenly, I really hope this pervert is terminally ill, the kind that will die within three months.

"It's a decent way to say that you're not sick, and you're back from sickness."

Huo Jinzhi was a little uneasy and couldn't sit still. He had to inquire.

"I'm going out to do errands, you stay at home and don't go anywhere."

Huo Jinzhi left in a hurry. He wanted to ask Lin Feng, who knew this best.

It was not until the evening that Huo Jinzhi came back. Tang Xiaonan was busy contacting customers in the room, and Huo Jinzhi entered the room just after finishing his work.

"Have you eaten?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Huo Jinzhi was stunned for a moment. Just as he was about to nod, Tang Xiaonan choked: "I definitely didn't eat it. You forget everything after eating. You can be busier than the president? You will regret it later if you have a stomach problem."

Huo Jinzhi just smiled and didn't say a word. He liked Tang Xiaopang's talk like this, it felt very warm, and it made him understand that there is still someone in this world who cares about him, he is not Lonely.

Tang Xiaonan took out her glasses. She was a little short-sighted. She had to wear glasses when reading the contract, so as not to miss it. After putting on her coat, she walked out, intending to get some food. It's past 7pm now.

Downstairs, Yang Lijuan and Chai Yuxiang were watching TV, as well as Tang Ailing. Tang Xiaonan opened the refrigerator and looked around, took two eggs, a piece of beef with sauce, and a tomato, ready to make tomato egg noodles, and then cut a plate of beef with sauce.

"Xiao Nan, do you know how to cook? I'll do it." Chai Yuxiang was startled and rushed over.

She can't worry about letting her cousin cook, what if she burns her hand?

"I'll do it, cousin, go watch TV."

Tang Xiaonan pushed people away, she couldn't trouble Chai Yuxiang in everything, and although she was not good at cooking, she could still cook noodles. She worked outside alone in her previous life, if she couldn't cook, she would starve to death~www.readwn. com~ But I have never been in the kitchen in this life, and my craftsmanship is unfamiliar, but there is no problem in cooking noodles.

Chai Yuxiang didn't believe it. My cousin had never been in the kitchen and couldn't even tell the difference between soy sauce and vinegar. How could she be able to cook?

"I'll cook it, it's just a few minutes."

Chai Yuxiang watched her cousin slicing tomatoes tremblingly. Her white and tender hands had never worked since she was a child. They were softer than tofu. What if the knife made a cut?

Yang Lijuan also came to stop her, for fear that Tang Xiaonan's claws would be cut by the knife.

The way they looked like they were facing the enemy, on the contrary, aroused Tang Xiaonan's competitive spirit. Today, she chose to cook a bowl of noodles with all the flavors and flavors, which would impress her cousin and aunt.

"I can cook, if you don't believe me, watch."

Tang Xiaonan puffed up her cheeks and continued to cut tomatoes. Yang Lijuan and Chai Yuxiang had to follow her, but they didn't even bother to watch the TV, so they stood on the side nervously, in case they could **** them at any time, no, they were claws.

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