Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1571: invisible girlfriend

"It's this stinky watch again, why is she still haunted, if it doesn't work, I have to find my brother!"

Chai Yuxiang was about to explode with anger, and she was about to go out to find someone. Even though she scolded her fiercely, she still cared about her brother, worried that Chai Wenhao would be harmed by Shen Yuzhu.

"Cousin, don't worry, I'm just guessing, it's not necessarily right." Tang Xiaonan advised.

"Xiao Nan, you are definitely not mistaken. You are right when you are young. Once you say it correctly, it is impossible to make a mistake. It's that stinky watch!"

Chai Yuxiang has already put on her coat, her cousin is the soul boy of the reincarnation of a god, so she can't make a mistake, and her analysis is so eloquent, the more she listens, the more she thinks it's true.

Lou Zhijun persuaded: "Yuxiang, calm down, Songcheng is so big, where can you find your brother in a while? You should call your mother first and ask what your brother said to your mother. If you have some clues, you can find your brother faster."

"Yes, call my aunt."

Tang Xiaonan hurriedly called Tang Laifeng's phone. She was also worried that Chai Wenhao would be unpredictable. Although she didn't care about the life and death of this cousin, her cousin and aunt did.

Tang Laifeng answered the phone quickly, and Tang Xiaonan asked, "Aunt, what did my cousin say when he called you?"

"Xiao Nan, do you have information about your cousin?" Tang Laifeng asked eagerly.

"There is some news, but it's not good news. Auntie, tell me what my cousin said on the phone first. Think about it and don't miss it. These are very important."

Tang Laifeng thought about it for a while, then said intermittently, "He didn't call for a long time, just three or four minutes, he said that the barbecue stall was sold, and he was going to develop in another place, let me not worry about him, he will call me after he settles down... "

"Did cousin say where to go?"

"I didn't say it, I only said that I would go out of town. I asked him to go back to Wucheng, but he refused. He also said that his girlfriend did not want to go back to Wucheng. I don't know when he found a good partner, and he didn't even know the name of the partner. Clearly, Wen Hao refused to say that this woman doesn't feel like a serious person, hiding her head and showing her tail, as if she can't see the light."

Tang Laifeng was very dissatisfied. She was quite happy that her son found a good partner. Thinking that the eldest son should be able to work with peace of mind, she asked a few more questions, asking where the girl was from, what her name was, and how old was she? , how did you know it.

These are all routine questions. Any mother will ask this question when she finds out that her son has a partner, but after she asks, the eldest son is not happy, and she also says that she is checking the household registration.

She also told the girl to answer the phone and wanted to chat a few words with the girl. The eldest son was also angry, saying that the girl was shy and made her look shameful, and Tang Laifeng was not happy.

Tang Laifeng complained ramble, Tang Xiaonan frowned, the more he listened, the more certain it was Shen Yuzhu.

This woman can't see the light.

"Aunt, did my cousin say which city he's going to? Is he going by car or train?"

"I didn't say anything. It was so mysterious. If I didn't say a few words, the woman just called her to death. Wen Hao hung up the phone. I've never been so obedient in front of me."

Tang Laifeng gritted his teeth and said that he was very dissatisfied. When he had a daughter-in-law, he forgot his mother, and his son was raised by others.

Tang Xiaonan was a little disappointed. He didn't have any important clues, so he only knew that he was going to another place, but the whole country was so big that Shen Yuzhu escaped from Songcheng, and he couldn't see it in the year of the monkey.

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