Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1578: If you die, you have to pull a back

"Bitch, get out of here!"

Shen Yuzhu had an extra dagger in his hand and stabbed it towards Yuanbao. Yuanbao reacted very quickly and avoided it, but Shen Yuzhu also gained freedom and limped up the **** with blood dripping all the way.

But Huo Jinzhi also came, and there was no way for her to escape except the slope.

Shen Yuzhu immediately made a decision, came back and hugged Chai Wenhao, and got into his arms. Before he could react, he rolled down the slope. Tang Xiaonan and the others watched as the two rolled down, Chai Wenhao's wailing. Echoing in the valley, Shen Yuzhu was not heard.

Chai Yuxiang was so frightened that her face turned pale. If so many sharp stones hit her head and vertebrae, she would be killed or paralyzed. What would her brother do?

"Don't worry, cousin's clothes are thick, maybe it will be fine." Tang Xiaonan comforted, Chai Wenhao's clothes were much thicker than Shen Yuzhu's, and if he was lucky, he might just break a few bones.

"But this **** is full of stones, no matter how thick the clothes are... Xiao Nan, will my brother die?" Chai Yuxiang's voice was crying.

After all, she is her own brother. Even if she hates and resents, she is still very worried about her life and death now.

"It's all because of that stinky watch. She even pulled my brother's back when she died. God's eyes are open to let this stinky watch die and let my elder brother break his leg. All kinds of bodhisattvas and gods, please... "

Chai Yuxiang folded her hands together, and kept talking about it, and the gods from all directions were read by her.

Tang Xiaonan didn't think that Shen Yuzhu wanted to die. The reason why she brought Chai Wenhao was probably because she wanted this idiot to be a cushion. If there was a human cushion in the way, she could at least reduce the damage by half and increase the chance of escaping by half.

Huo Jinzhi and Gu Yunchuan had already gone downhill, Yuanbao ran the fastest, like an arrow from a string, rushing down towards the bamboo forest.

"Cousin, let's go down too."

Tang Xiaonan dragged Chai Yuxiang down. The **** is quite long and not too steep. If there are no sharp stones and thorns, it is actually a gentle slope, and it is very easy to go down.

"Xiao Nan, you are on top, and I will go down by myself."

Chai Yuxiang was worried about letting her cousin go down, what if there were so many stones, what if she bumped into it.

"Cousin, just hold me. Let's walk slowly and everything will be fine."

Of course Tang Xiaonan refused. She wanted to see Shen Yuzhu's demise with her own eyes. Even if this woman pulled Chai Wenhao as a cushion and rolled down such a long slope, she would be seriously injured if she didn't die, and she would definitely not be able to escape.

Chai Yuxiang couldn't resist, so she had to drag her down slowly. There were too many stones and many thorns. If she was not careful, she would hook her clothes. When she touched her hand, there were more bloodstains. After walking for a while, Tang Xiaonan's hand There were several lines on the face.

Tang Xiaonan resisted being silent. If she was in pain, Chai Yuxiang would definitely send her up, and Chai Yuxiang had more scratches on her body. She walked in front and blocked most of the thorns and thatch, so she would be injured more naturally.

The rapid barking of Yuanbao came from below, Tang Xiaonan moved in his heart, and said excitedly: "Cousin, Yuanbao must have found Shen Yuzhu, let's hurry up."

Chai Yuxiang was more anxious than anyone else, but she was still walking slowly. She was still on the **** now. She was anxious and prone to accidents. If she fell and rolled down, it would be fine for her to have rough skin and thick flesh, and her cousin would definitely suffer.

"Don't worry, Xiao Nan, look at the road, there is a broken bamboo here, don't touch it."

Tang Xiaonan also saw the broken bamboo, and there were not only one, but several, which were sparse.

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