Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1581: You can go die

Shen Yuzhu breathed a little faster, and her eyes began to wander. She wanted to understand, otherwise she would not close her eyes in death.

"Want to know why you lost and why I became so good, right?" Tang Xiaonan whispered in her ear.

Shen Yuzhu breathed for more minutes, and vomited blood again. Sure enough, there was something tricky. Soon she would know the reason. Shen Yuzhu's chest kept heaving and he was bleeding more.

Gu Yunchuan and Huo Jinzhi exchanged glances. It was obviously what Tang Xiaonan said that made Shen Yuzhu so excited. What did Tang Xiaonan say?

Huo Jinzhi thought more, he thought of the indistinct confrontation between Tang Xiaonan and Shen Yuzhu, not only Shen Yuzhu would target Tang Xiaopang, Tang Xiaopang was also hostile to Shen Yuzhu, he could feel it.

And Tang Xiaopang has said more than once that she and Shen Yuzhu cannot live together in the same world, or Shen Yuzhu will die if she dies.

Tang Xiaopang's expression was serious when he said these words, he was not joking.

The strange and uneasy feeling in Huo Jinzhi's heart appeared again. Tang Xiaopang must have kept a secret from him, a very important secret. This feeling made him very uneasy.

No matter how difficult other things are, he can find out, but he can't do anything about the secrets of Tang Xiaopang, and he has nowhere to start, so he can only wait for Tang Xiaopang to say it himself.

Huo Jinzhi frowned. He didn't like being passive, but he had no choice but to wait for Tang Xiaopang to explain it himself, hoping that he wouldn't wait too long.

Tang Xiaonan was still talking to Shen Yuzhu.

"You really want to know, right?" Tang Xiaonan teased.

Although the deceased is a big one, even if he is a heinous villain, he has to give some respect when he is about to die, but Tang Xiaonan didn't want to give it to Shen Yuzhu, this woman is not worthy.

No death can undo her sins.

The Tang family was so miserable in the book, but it was all thanks to this woman, so why should she be honored.

Shen Yuzhu's mouth kept pouring blood, her face was as white as paper, and the blood under her body accumulated into a small pool, she still refused to give up, just to know the answer, but Tang Xiaonan didn't say it.

Just to let this woman go with regret.

"I just won't tell you, you go down and ask Lord Yan."

Tang Xiaonan had a smile on her face, her eyebrows were curved, but in Shen Yuzhu's eyes, she looked like a devil. She was so angry that she vomited several mouthfuls of blood, but her mind was very clear, and she suddenly thought of something and screamed, " You...you're not..."

Shen Yuzhu's expression was horrified, and she finally figured out that Tang Xiaonan was not the Tang Xiaonan she used to be, and Tang Xiaonan was out of pocket eight years ago.

That's why Tang Xiaonan became sensible and lovable, so he improved his relationship with Huo Jinzhi and deliberately targeted her...

Shen Yuzhu guessed that it was the upper body of a ghost. She felt that Tang Xiaonan had been overtaken by a ghost, but she still had a lot of things she couldn't understand, but her mind became more and more chaotic, her vision became more and more blurred, and her strength was losing a little bit.

I heard Tang Xiaonan's voice in my ear, "Yes, that's what you guessed, now that you know, you can go...die!"

Shen Yuzhu's body trembled. Before she could finish speaking, she wanted to tell Huo Jinzhi and Gu Yunchuan that this Tang Xiaonan was a ghost and she was not a human being, but she couldn't open her eyes or mouth, and her body became colder and colder.

Tang Xiaonan looked coldly at the woman's hand and grabbed it a few times in the air, like a dying worm. After twisting a few times, it didn't move anymore, her eyes were still wide open, staring straight ahead, with Strong unwillingness.

finally died.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief and felt completely at ease.

She can live in peace in this world.

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