Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1583: Tang Xiaopang's mouth, a deceiving ghost

Regarding the three points that Tang Xiaonan said, Huo Jinzhi agrees with two points, good luck and medical skills. He has no problem with these two points. Gu Yunchuan is just like Shen Yuzhu. He is very lucky. Every time he is in adversity, he will encounter noble.

For example, Gu Yunchuan had a bumpy background, he was a landlord after he was born, and his father was such a scumbag. Strictly speaking, Gu Yunchuan's background was worse than Huo Jinzhi's, but Gu Yunchuan had a loyal and powerful mother who protected him like a lioness.

In such a turbulent world, two women, Huang Yingchun and Mrs. Gu, built a warm ivory tower for Gu Yunchuan, so that he could study in the tower without worrying about his livelihood.

A rural child can't even do farm work, which fully shows how much Huang Yingchun dotes on his son. Every time Huo Jinzhi thinks of this, he is so jealous that he wants to take Huang Yingchun as his mother. He wants such a mother so much. .

It doesn't matter if you look ugly, a mother who can protect her child is a good mother.

There is also medical skills. Huo Jinzhi has to admit that the guy's medical skills are indeed very good. He is not good at medical skills, so he is not as good as him.

But what kind of **** is the affinity stronger than him?

Doesn't this imply that Gu Yunchuan is more attractive than him?

Huo Jinzhi was not convinced, and he was even more angry that Tang Xiaopang said these words, obviously Tang Xiaopang said a few days ago that he was better-looking than Gu Yunchuan and more attractive.

Ha... Tang Xiaopang's mouth, a deceiving ghost!

After the stretcher was tied, Gu Yunchuan and Huo Jin jointly carried Chai Wenhao onto the stretcher, but Shen Yuzhu's body had to be taken out.

"Take Chai Wenhao out first, find the village and call the police."

Huo Jinzhi made a decision. Before leaving, he searched Shen Yuzhu's body. Lin Liming's account book must have been carried by her. Sure enough, from Shen Yuzhu's down jacket lining pocket, he found a black notebook, which was stained with a lot of blood.

"Let's go."

Huo Jinzhi received the account book and carried the stretcher with Gu Yunchuan. Tang Xiaonan and Chai Yuxiang followed behind. It was already dark, and after walking for a while, it was completely dark. Tang Xiaonan took out the flashlight from the bag, and the four were one deep. Walking with shallow feet.

After walking for about half an hour, he could see the fields. Gu Yunchuan was out of breath. He couldn't take it anymore. Chai Yuxiang helped him carry it, which made him more relaxed.

Tang Xiaonan thought for a while, and ran to the boss to help, but she had short hands and feet and couldn't keep up with the rhythm. She hung on the stretcher within a few steps and almost tripped, but fortunately Huo Jinzhi didn't fall because of her support~www. readwn.com~ You walk well, don't fall, just help. "

Huo Jinzhi's expression was helpless, and he couldn't get sullen anymore. He pulled Tang Xiaonan's hair angrily, and he would settle accounts with this girl when he was free. He actually said that he was not popular. Hmph, half of the pocket money was deducted.

Tang Xiaonan looked at him flatteringly and asked in a low voice, "Aren't you angry?"

I didn't know what was going on just now, but the boss suddenly became unhappy and ignored her. The death of Shen Yuzhu was a great event for everyone to celebrate, but the boss was angry. Tang Xiaonan really couldn't understand.

Facing Tang Xiaonan, who was trying to curry favor, Huo Jinzhi's anger disappeared, and he pulled the girl's braid again. He was so angry and lonely, Tang Xiaopang didn't know why he was angry at all.

Huo Jinzhi is both funny and angry, angry that this girl is not enlightened, laughing at herself is stupid, angry for such a trivial matter, she is as stupid as Tang Xiaopang.

Chai Wenhao's moaning grew louder and louder on the stretcher. Fortunately, he arrived at the village. The villagers were all eating dinner. Gu Yunchuan's affinity came in great use.

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