Tang Laifeng asked hopefully, "Then what should we do?"

The niece is smart when she was a child. Maybe what she said is true?

If the eldest son really cut his relationship with the Chai family, she would be willing to live ten years less.

"Auntie, please inform the cousin of the Chai family about the accident first. To be more serious, just say that the cousin is still in the rescue. These days are very critical.

"Okay, I'll go talk to the Chai family, and then what should I do?" Tang Laifeng agreed without hesitation.

Tang Xiaonan said again: "When you come to Songcheng, you can go to the next step. Auntie, you are also here. You just need to remember one thing. You must cry poor for the Chai family, and you will say that your business is losing money, and you can't even get the money for purchasing goods. Immediately I can't even eat."

"This... can the Chai family believe it?"

Tang Laifeng felt that the Chai family was not so easy to deceive.

"Don't worry about whether the Chai family believes it or not. Anyway, you only need to cry and be poor. I'll arrange the rest."

"Sure, I'll go to Chai's house tomorrow morning."

Tang Laifeng took the reassurance pill, and with the arrangement of his niece, he must not be wrong.

After hanging up the phone, Chai Yuxiang said sourly: "I said the same as what you said, why do I scold my mother when I say it, and listen to me when you say it?"

Tang Xiaonan was complacent, raised her chin shyly, and patted Chai Yuxiang on tiptoe on the shoulder, "This is called personality charm, don't you know!"

"Screw you!"

Chai Yuxiang smiled and rebuked, thinking of Chai Wenhao who had not woken up, she couldn't help but sighed and said to herself, "If my brother is really an idiot, it would be great if I make money to support him for the rest of my life, so as not to cause trouble everywhere. "

"What's so good about a fool, let my cousin go ashore and be filial to my aunt in the future." Tang Xiaonan felt that her cousin was too pessimistic, and Chai Wenhao could still be transformed and could not give up easily.

Chai Yuxiang snorted, "Thank God for not sucking my mother's blood."

Tang Xiaonan smiled, she still had some confidence in Chai Wenhao, but if this cousin was still obsessed, she would not care about this mess again in the future.

The doctor performed an operation on Chai Wenhao overnight. The operation was very successful. The blood clots in the brain were taken out and the bones were connected. However, a rib punctured the left lung and almost stabbed the heart. The injury was a little serious. Chai Wenhao Stay in the intensive care unit for three days and wait until the critical period is over before being transferred to the general ward.

The next day, the Chai family didn't come~www.readwn.com~ only Tang Laifeng and Teacher Cai came.

"I informed them that Wen Hao was very dangerous, and the old woman might think I lied to her." Tang Laifeng sneered, she had known that the Chai family was selfish and cold-blooded, and she expected such a result.

"If you don't come, don't come. Cousin may come to his senses if he doesn't die this time." Tang Xiaonan was a little regretful. She had to cooperate with the Chai family in her plan.

Tang Laifeng smiled reluctantly. Now she only hopes that her eldest son is safe and sound, and she doesn't care about the rest.

Frightened all night, I drove the mountain road again. Tang Xiaonan was exhausted and said goodbye to Tang Laifeng and his wife. She went home and went to sleep. Huo Jinzhi sent her back. about that ledger.

The confidant died, Tang Xiaonan felt light, and slept all day and night, and woke up hungry at noon the next day, Chai Yuxiang was also at home, she was cooking, and was going to send it to Tang Laifeng in the hospital.

"Xiao Nan, you are very clever. The old lady of the Chai family is here, as well as my alcoholic father and my aunts, who arrived in the morning and are crying and mourning in the hospital!" Chai Yuxiang is now full of admiration for her cousin, the living Zhuge Liang.

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