Xu Jinfeng threw it casually, and the mother and daughter were lying on the ground like dead dogs, unable to move.

"Yuxiang, what did your grandma and the others do?" Yang Lijuan didn't ask Tang Laifeng.

She has some opinions about this aunt now. She used to think that she was quite a refreshing person, but now she is so confused that she can't explain it clearly. She is not as sensible as Chai Yuxiang as a child.

"Little aunt, they won't pay for the medical bills. They also said that my brother is a waste of life and he doesn't need to pay for treatment. Xiao Nan and I are angry, so I will argue with them." Chai Yuxiang said in a few words what happened.

The onlookers shook their heads, no wonder they were beaten. What kind of human words are they talking about? The person lying on the hospital bed was his own grandson, but he said such cold-blooded words.

Being beaten is also deserved, not worthy of sympathy.

The old lady Chai on the ground called out a few times, but she couldn't hear a word clearly, and no one listened to her. The attention of everyone was diverted by Yang Lijuan's words, and no one sympathized with the Chai family. I even felt that Xu Jinfeng was playing too lightly.

"Wen Hao, are you awake? Where are you feeling?"

Tang Laifeng screamed excitedly, the unconscious Chai Wenhao opened his eyes, his eyes were blank at first, but gradually became clear, but his body still couldn't move, he stared at the excited Tang Laifeng, his eyes moved, and he saw other people in the ward .

Grandmother, aunt, sister, cousin, and grandma and aunt who were in a state of misery on the ground.

"Wen Hao, do you feel any discomfort?" Tang Laifeng asked with concern, and Chai Yuxiang went to call the doctor.

The doctor checked it carefully, and then said, "The recovery is good, good nursing care, the young man will get better soon."

"Thank you doctor."

Tang Laifeng couldn't help thanking him and wept with joy.

Zhang Manyue on the side was indifferent. She didn't have much affection for Chai Wenhao, her grandson, and now she only has disgust. The unfamiliar white-eyed wolf should be dead. Will spend so much money to save this white-eyed wolf.

"It's alright if you wake up, Laifeng, come home with me, let the Chai family take care of this white-eyed wolf."

Zhang Manyue came here this time to take her daughter away. She had already broken up with this white-eyed wolf at the beginning, and she couldn't let her daughter waste money.


Tang Laifeng's eyes begging~www.readwn.com~ I hope Zhang Manyue can save her face outside, and the eldest son has just woken up and is very weak. If he has anything to say, he will wait until the eldest son is in good health. Can.

"Don't call me mom, I don't have a fool like you in my Tang family. I knew you were so incapable of handling it, and I don't care if you live or die. If you suffer in the Chai family, I won't let you marry Xiao Cai, just like you. You idiot, you don't deserve someone as good as Xiao Cai!"

Zhang Manyue's eyes were cold, and what she said was even more ruthless. Before coming to Songcheng, she went to her son-in-law to find out the situation. Teacher Cai kept it a secret at first, for fear that Zhang Manyue would blame Tang Laifeng, or Zhang Manyue would coax and force her. That's what came up.

Knowing that Tang Laifeng had never broken up with the white-eyed wolf all these years, and even filled a few thousand yuan into it, Zhang Manyue was full of anger, and she was worried that her son-in-law would be separated from her daughter because of this.

No man can bear it. Teacher Cai has been able to endure it very well so far, but there is a limit to what a human being can endure. If Tang Laifeng is stubborn again, he will still not be involved with the Chai family, and sooner or later he will be separated from his son-in-law.

Zhang Manyue really didn't want to see her daughter's hard-earned happiness ruined by her confusion again, so she drove over early in the morning and wanted to scold her stupid daughter.

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