Everyone looked at Chai Wenhao with surprised expressions, especially Zhang Manyue and Xu Jinfeng, who thought they had heard it wrong. They really couldn't believe that White Eyed Wolf would say such a reasonable thing.

"Really leave me alone... Let grandma pay!"

Chai Wenhao's expression was painful, and his heart was even more painful. In fact, he woke up early, but he couldn't open his eyes, but he heard all the words that Mrs. Chai and Sister Chai said.

The heart hurts more than a knife.

He kept saying that his grandma, who regarded him as his life, just wanted to benefit from him. No wonder all these years grandma always asked him to ask his mother for money, and so did his aunts, and also said that he could not cut off contact with his mother, after all, it was his mother who raised him. He cannot be ungrateful.

He believed it all, thinking that his grandmother and aunt really planned for him.

Hehe... He is the stupidest person in the world, only his mother is sincere to him, everyone else is lying to him.

So is Shen Yuzhu.

He thought he had met true love, but in fact Shen Yuzhu was taking advantage of him, and he still remembered how he rolled downhill.

Shen Yuzhu suddenly hugged him, and he didn't react, so he was taken down the **** by the woman, and the woman tried to drill into his arms, just wanting to use him as a cushion.

Stones and thorns pierced into his flesh and slammed into his body, the kind of piercing pain he would never forget in his life.

Fortunately, God forbid, he survived.

But he became a waste.

Anyway, a fool like him is not qualified to have offspring, and he is not qualified to harm a good girl. He will live alone in the future. His mother will be taken care of by his sisters and brothers. Without his drag, mother will only have a better life. .

"I have no money!"

Mrs. Chai jumped up and screamed. In fact, she still has some money. Chai Wenhao's stall business is actually good, but all the money went into the old woman's pocket, and Tang Laifeng made up for the shortfall, so the old woman could take out the money, but she No, it was her pension.

Chai Wenhao stabbed again in his heart, and said lightly, "If you sell the house, you will have money."

"Bah... You are an unworthy person, what qualifications do you have to sell a house, there is no way!" Mrs. Chai jumped higher.

The house and the banknotes are her life, and she will not take out the same. How much rent is there for the house every month, enough to buy meat for her, where will she go to eat meat after selling it?

"Why is my brother unqualified, he is the grandson of Chai's family, and now my dad is confused and can't control things, then my brother is the head of the Chai family, and he has the final say in family affairs, UU Reading www. Of course, he has the final say on the uukanshu.com house, grandma, you are just a woman, don't stretch your hands too long!"

Chai Yuxiang was ridiculed to the extreme, and she felt extremely happy, she could wait until the stupid brother got smart.

"That's right, I'm the steward of the Chai family now. I have the final say on the house, sister, please sell the house!" Chai Wenhao said more firmly, he had to raise money for his health.

Only with a good body can he make money. He will work hard to make money and pay back all the money he owes his mother.

"Wen Hao, do you really want to sell the house? Do you really want to do this?" Madam Chai stared at her grandson in disbelief, panicking in her heart.

If the grandson insisted on selling the house, she would definitely not be able to stop it. This house was renovated by the old house of the Chai family. Because of the death of the old man, the Chai family had a big opinion of her and would definitely not help her.

Madam Chai imagined that she would coax her well, and her grandson would listen to her.

"You and your aunt did the first year of junior high first, and grandma, you have been scraping money from my booth, at least three or four thousand. Since you won't take out the money, I can only sell the house!" Chai Wen Hao said word by word, his voice indifferent.

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