Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1599: made a deal

Madam Chai lost her house and coffin book. Her energy was not as good as before. She came to the hospital to accompany her honestly.

Moreover, as soon as Mrs. Chai came to the hospital, Chai Wenhao was transferred to the general ward. Four or five people were crowded into one ward. It was noisy and crowded. She doesn't need to care anymore.

In fact, it was what Zhang Manyue said that day, which frightened Tang Laifeng, worried that Zhang Manyue would really cut off relations with her, whether she was forced to compromise, or she really wanted to be clear, the result was not bad, Tang Laifeng was more clear-headed than before .

Another big change is Chai Wenhao. Since he woke up, he hasn’t spoken much. He doesn’t say more than five sentences all day long, but he is very cooperative with the doctor. He can do whatever he wants. He is very obedient and recovered well , If there is no accident, he will be discharged from the hospital in half a month.

Tang Xiaonan didn't go to the hospital again after that. She was too busy with her own affairs, and she found that her memory of her previous life was even weaker. Except for some professional knowledge, other things seemed to be dripping on the table. The drops of water disappear little by little.

Even sometimes, she almost forgets that this world is a book, as if she lives in this world, she is Tang Xiaonan.

Tang Xiaonan in her previous life... became more and more blurred in her memory.

She even forgot her age, as if she was 14.

Because these are all silent changes, Tang Xiaonan often doesn't notice it, but sometimes she suddenly has a feeling that what she is doing at the moment, or what she is saying, seems to have been done before, and it feels so familiar!

This Sunday, Huo Jinzhi took her out to eat hot pot, just the two of them.

"Are you busy?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

A few days ago, Huo Jinzhi was so busy that he didn't even have enough time to eat. Tang Xiaonan didn't bother him, but from the looks of it, he should have been busy.

"Almost, Lin Liming has been sent to the nursing home."

Huo Jinzhi prepared a bowl of seasoning, put it in front of Tang Xiaonan, and said lightly.

Tang Xiaonan was taken aback and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to a sanatorium to recuperate?"

But she felt more like being under house arrest, otherwise Lin Liming was only in his fifties and looked quite healthy, so why would he suddenly be sent to a nursing home?

It's not an old man in his seventies or eighties~www.readwn.com~ Huo Jinzhi boiled a piece of mutton, blew it a few times, dipped it with seasoning, and fed it into Tang Xiaonan's mouth, teasing, "That's what you think in your heart."

Tang Xiaonan widened her eyes, but her cheeks were still bulging. Even if she was surprised, she still wanted to eat meat. This was her instinct, and she would never forget to eat meat with the knife on her neck.

"Why? Isn't that pervert the heart of the old man of the Lin family?"

Huo Jinzhi laughed sarcastically, "My heart may also turn into a myocardial tumor. Mr. Lin values ​​the interests of the family more. If Lin Liming affects the family, he will still be ruthless."

In a position like the old man Lin, it is impossible and not allowed to only care about personal feelings, not to mention the things that Lin Feng found out, enough to make the old man have a big tumor in his heart, and seeing Lin Liming will be uncomfortable, it is better to send it Nursing homes, out of sight is pure!

Tang Xiaonan's face was full of excitement and curiosity. It must be what the boss did. Huo Jinzhi took the initiative to say it without her asking.

"It's nothing, just made a deal with Lin Feng with that ledger."

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