Tang Xiaonan is also looking forward to this, and has been preparing for a year. Finally, when the exciting moment comes, she is still looking forward to seeing the unlucky pair of dogs and men.

Gu Yunchuan has been in Songcheng these days and lives with Huo Jinzhi. Of course he also owns real estate in Songcheng, but it is not convenient for him to live there for a long time, and he has to discuss matters with Huo Jinzhi, so it is convenient to live together. some.

"My grandfather came to me yesterday and asked me to persuade my grandmother to go to the pharmaceutical factory to help, and promised to give me 5% of the shares of the pharmaceutical factory." Gu Yunchuan said.

"It's so generous, don't you give it to your grandmother?" Huo Jinzhi asked sarcastically.

"That five percent already includes my grandmother's."

Gu Yunchuan laughed softly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Tang Xiaonan was also there, annoyed, "It's shameless, Fang Zi belongs to your grandmother, where did he get such a big face? Shameless!"

"If you want your face, you won't do this kind of thing. Don't be angry, they won't be able to laugh for a month at most." Huo Jinzhi sneered.

"Have you appealed?" Tang Xiaonan was so excited that she would definitely go to the court to watch the trial and see with her own eyes the unlucky couple.

Huo Jinzhi nodded, "The court has accepted it. In a few days, Gu Changan will receive a subpoena, and he will definitely come to you by then."

He said it to Gu Yunchuan.

"He doesn't know I live with you."

"Maybe go to the country to find your grandmother and mother."

Gu Yunchuan laughed suddenly, like a fox, "My grandmother went to her cousin's house in Ning City as a guest, and my mother served my grandmother with her. The two sisters haven't seen each other for more than ten years, so they must stay for a few more days to catch up."

"It's very good. Old sisters are the most rare. They really need to stay for a few more days."

Huo Jinzhi also smiled, more like a fox than a fox.

Tang Xiaonan flattened her mouth, and sure enough, those who were close to the ink were black. Gu Yunchuan, the former male protagonist who was bright and beautiful, was brought more and more black by Huo Jinzhi.

The weather is getting warmer and Qingming is approaching. Tang Xiaonan returned to Mopan Mountain. Zhang Manyue called them to go home for the festival, saying that they had packed a lot of Qingming dishes and asked them to take them to Songcheng to eat.

Huo Jinzhi sent them back. Tang Ailing is a little follower. She likes to run with Tang Xiaonan the most, and she loves to follow Tang Xiaonan wherever she goes.

Zhang Manyue packed a lot of Qingming dumplings, sweet and savory, and the ingredients were enough. After changing the previous problem of digging, the pork belly was put in ten kilograms, and the filling was so fresh that the tongue fell off. Tang Xiaonan ate several in one go. No need to eat.

"Xiao Nan, take these to your grandma's house."

Zhang Manyue packed a basket full of ~www.readwn.com~ which is half salty and sweet. The customs of Yuecheng are like this. Whoever makes Qingming tan will give it to relatives and friends, and now the living conditions are better, making Qingming tan There are more and more people, and they are more and more particular.

Tang Xiaonan brought a basket of Qingming Tan, and a bag of tobacco and alcohol brought back from Songcheng. Huo Jinzhi drove to Gucun and had lunch in Gucun. Tang Xiaonan really missed the dishes made by her grandmother.

My grandfather and grandmother are very tough, and they are very happy to see the little girl. Cousin Xu Guoqiang is not at home. He and Tang Aijun took the college entrance examination in the same year, but failed to enter the university and joined the B team as a soldier.

With Xu Guoqiang's ingenuity, his development in Team B will definitely not be bad. Tang Xiaonan no longer remembers Xu Guoqiang's ending in the book. She has forgotten the content of that book now, and can't remember many things. Well, maybe it won't be long before it's all forgotten.

The lunch was very rich, and the table was full. Grandma couldn't stop serving them, and she didn't eat much herself. She just looked at her granddaughter and grandson-in-law with a kind smile on her face.

Halfway through the meal, someone shouted in the yard. My grandfather went out. After a while, I heard his old man's roar, "His wife and grandson can't be found, so he came to ask my granddaughter what's going on? I'm sick!"

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