Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1613: court session

Gu Changan is still a little confident. As long as he finds Gu Yunchuan's ancestors and grandsons, he will definitely be able to persuade them to withdraw the case with a few soft words. Especially Zhang Xuemei, this woman has always been very high-spirited, because he married Yuan Yujie and had been competing with him for decades. .

This appeal must also be Zhang Xuemei's idea, but he really didn't expect that Zhang Xuemei actually knew the patent rights and played him such a trick, which caught him off guard.

But now no one can find it, even if he has a lotus-like tongue, he can't say it to the air.

As the court hearing got closer and closer, Gu Changan became more and more anxious, and had to go back to the countryside to guard, but he had been guarding for a week, and the gate of Gu's house was locked, and even ghosts could not be seen.

Knowing that Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi had come to Gucun, Gu Changan hurriedly came to find them. He remembered that the two had a good relationship with their grandson Gu Yunchuan. Maybe he knew about his grandson's whereabouts, but he didn't know if he asked three times.

Gu Changan's face was ugly. He knew that the two must be lying, but he couldn't pry open their mouths. Grandpa Xu was still stomping fiercely in front of him.

"Excuse me, when you see Yunchuan, tell me, after all, it is a family, why bother to go to court and let outsiders see jokes, I was careless about the shares, it was my fault, I have already prepared the documents and gave them to Yunchuan Bai. Thirty percent of the shares, and the second room is only 20 percent."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, 30%, really generous.

Still a second room... Hmph, isn't it a junior, why take 20%?

Qixue Cream was Madam Gu's recipe, and even Gu Changan was not qualified to take it, such a brazen bastard.

Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly, "If I see Gu Yunchuan, I will definitely convey it."

Gu Changan looked at him with complicated eyes. In fact, he still didn't give up, but this young offspring was more slippery than a loach, and he couldn't ask anything, it was a waste of time.

After a long sigh, Gu Changan walked away, staggering on his back, but he was not worthy of sympathy at all, this old scum just deserved it today.

After returning to Songcheng, Huo Jinzhi told the truth truthfully, without missing a word.

Gu Yunchuan couldn't stop sneering, "How generous, five to thirty percent, six times more."

"Six times is nothing. If we win the lawsuit, the entire pharmaceutical factory belongs to us. You account for 60%, which is ten times."

Huo Jinzhi had agreed with Gu Yunchuan at the beginning, but after the pharmaceutical factory got it~www.readwn.com~ he and Gu Yunchuan had forty-six points, he accounted for 40% and Gu Yunchuan 60%, and jointly managed the pharmaceutical factory.

"How many days are left before the court?" Gu Yunchuan asked softly.

"Two days."

Huo Jinzhi smiled and said sarcastically, "Gu Changan has been in a lot of trouble these days. It is estimated that he hasn't had a good night's sleep since he received the summons. He looks pitiful."

After he finished speaking, he squinted at Gu Yunchuan and observed the change in his expression. If this guy dared to be soft-hearted, he would simply grab all the pharmaceutical factories and take care of them himself.

"Don't worry, I won't be soft-hearted, and I'm just getting my grandmother back her original things."

Gu Yunchuan spoke very calmly, but his voice was cold and his eyes were not warm at all, which was completely different from him before.

Huo Jinzhi hooked his lips. Now Gu Yunchuan looks much more pleasing to the eye than before, and he does things very easily. Sure enough, he is close to Zhu Zhechi. With such a smart person as him, Gu Yunchuan is also much smarter.

Two days later, at 9:30 in the morning, the court opened on time.

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