Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1615: That's a windfall

Huo Jinzhi even wished that the media would make the commotion bigger, preferably to make a sensation in the whole country, so that he could sue the media for defamation logically, and then claim a large amount of mental damages.

Thinking about it this way, Huo Jinzhi is quite eye-catching. Why didn't those reporters report on him?

He is looking forward to it!

The more violent the storm, the better. That is a windfall from heaven.

Huo Jinzhi's mind turned extremely fast. In just a few minutes, he came up with a feasible plan. Should he discuss with his scumbag, he will sue the scumbag for abandonment?

Abandoned him when he was eight years old, and he didn't raise him for so many years. This completely constituted the crime of abandonment. He would go to prosecute first, and then invite a few literati to write articles in the newspaper to scold him. , the harsher the scolding, the better.

When the momentum is built, he will go to court to sue the scumbag for abandoning him, and then arrange for the scumbag to be interviewed. Divide the scumbag for a little money.

His mentality is very strong, even if people all over the world scold him, he doesn't care, he just thinks that people all over the world are farting.

That's not going to work. The farts of the people all over the world are no less powerful than the atomic bomb. He hasn't married Tang Xiaopang yet, so he just pretends he didn't hear it.

Huo Jinzhi was so fascinated that he didn't hear Tang Xiaonan calling him, and he didn't respond after calling him for a long time.

"What do you think? You shouldn't be told for a long time."

"The way to make money, what do you ask me to do?" Huo Jinzhi lowered his head and asked.

"The reporter interviewed Brother Gu, and Aunt Gu and Aunt Yingchun also came."

Tang Xiaonan pointed to the front, Gu Yunchuan supported Mrs. Gu, and Huang Yingchun, not far from Gu Changan. When the reporters saw them, they immediately surrounded them and asked questions one after another.

"Sorry, we're not giving any interviews at this time."

Gu Yunchuan smiled slightly, he was polite, he was really a gentle person, and he was so good-looking. At first, I thought he must be a disgusting and ugly person. , how can you look good?

It can be seen that after seeing Gu Yunchuan himself, everyone's thoughts have naturally changed, and even doubts have arisen——

"Does such a good-looking and gentle person really do such a hateful thing? Is there any misunderstanding?"

Gu Yunchuan hugged his grandmother and mother respectively~www.readwn.com~ so that they would not be disturbed by reporters, with a gentle and decent smile on his face, no impatience or anger could be seen, and his voice was unbelievably gentle, "Don't be crowded, everyone. , I will be interviewed after the trial is over, thank you for your hard work."

"Mr. Gu, why can't you accept our interview now? Your grandfather, Mr. Gu, said that you went to court because you were dissatisfied with the distribution of shares. Is that the case?" A reporter asked sharply.

The smile on Gu Yunchuan's face remained unchanged, "Everything is up to the judge. I believe in the justice of the law."

"Do you mean that your grandfather, Mr. Gu, lied?"

"Are you really going to sue your grandfather for a little share?"

"Mr. Gu, don't you think your behavior is too rebellious?"


The reporters were willing to disperse, surrounded Gu Yunchuan and the others, and asked one sharp question after another. Mrs. Gu's expression was calm, and she couldn't see any difference, but Huang Yingchun couldn't bear it anymore. She would not allow anyone to slander it. son.

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