Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1620: lose the case

Gu Changan also received the document, which clearly stated in black and white that Qixue Cream was renamed Zhang's Scar Removal Cream, and the patent right of the scar removal cream was transferred to Gu Yunchuan, with a bright red seal.

The plaintiff's lawyer took out another stack of documents, "This is the ingredient list of Qixue Cream produced by Gu Chang'an's Anjie Pharmaceutical Factory, and the ingredient list of Zhang's Scar Removal Cream, both of which are from Songcheng Medical University. issued, the ingredients of the two plasters are 100% identical."

Documents were circulated among the judges and jury, and Gu Changan of course received them. His face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and even in the public, he could not care about maintaining his demeanor.

His brain is now in a mess, even if he doesn't understand the law, he knows that the situation is very bad, and it is very likely that he will lose the case.

If he loses the lawsuit, he will pay a huge amount of liquidated damages, and he will also pay a large sum of money to Gu Yunchuan's rebel. All his money has been invested in the pharmaceutical factory, and he owes a lot to the bank.

So far, the pharmaceutical factory has not made any profit, and the working capital in the factory's account is definitely not enough to compensate, so he can only sell the real estate and shops abroad.

The old lady sneered silently, what an Anjie pharmaceutical factory, Gu Changan has always been good at playing this kind of trick, when she was young and ignorant, she was coaxed into confusion by the name of this old man, eight and seven creams, and obediently handed over the prescription for scar cream , and did his best to take care of the pharmacy for the Gu family.

She treats Gu Changan wholeheartedly, but this old **** is looking for fun outside. In the end, she brings back a true love. She even gave birth to a son. Now she has named the pharmaceutical factory Anjie.

The old lady is no longer angry. She also wants to thank this pair of dogs and men for leaving her with Gu Songtao. The best thing this waste has done in this life is to give birth to such a good grandson as Yunchuan for her.

Let this pair of dog men and women taste what it's like to be stabbed in the back by their own grandson.

The judge finally pronounced the verdict, ruling that Gu Changan had infringed, ordered to stop the production and sales of Qixue Cream, and paid Gu Yunchuan 1.25 million in infringement fees. "

Gu Changan's eyes were straightened, 1.25 million was not much, he could afford it, but he still had to pay liquidated damages, which was an astronomical, traumatic amount.

He has regrets in his bowels now. If he knew that today, he would not be so eager to take orders. How good it was when he signed the order, how painful it is now, and his heart is bleeding.

"Why do you want us to pay, Qixue Cream was originally owned by the Gu family, and I won't pay a penny!"

Yuan Yujie broke out suddenly. These days, her life is very difficult. In the past, Gu Changan was very generous to the household, once a month, and sometimes when she was in a good mood, she would give a lot of extra money, which was enough for her to show off in front of the card partners.

But she hadn't even given basic household items for the past two months. Yuan Yujie felt ashamed in front of the brand partners. She didn't buy new clothes and jewelry for two months. She could guess that those brand partners would be there. What's the talk behind.

I will definitely say that her family is going bankrupt~www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, how could it be possible to wear old clothes and old jewelry for two months? With the new style, she will definitely be pushed out of the too wide circle.

At the beginning, it took a lot of effort for her to break into that wide circle. If she was kicked out, what face would she have?

Even if Yuan Yujie doesn't understand business, she knows the consequences of losing a lawsuit.

Not to mention being too rich, she may not even be able to afford a nanny in the future, she will become a yellow-faced woman who cooks and does laundry, and has to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables in person, and she will have to worry about a handful of onions for a long time...

The more Yuan Yujie thought about it, the more afraid she became. She didn't want to lead such a life, she wanted to be the envy of Mrs. Gu.

"The scar removal cream belongs to the Gu family. Zhang Xuemei and Gu Changan are husband and wife, and the scar removal cream is the joint property of the husband and wife. Why can't Gu Changan use it? You must have been bought by Zhang Xuemei to help the old poisonous woman. I want to sue you. !"

Yuan Yujie cursed like she was insane, how could she have the slightest grace, but she was not allowed to go mad in court, and was quickly escorted by two bailiffs.

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