Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1625: bankruptcy

"Zhang Xuemei, don't be rude, don't you just want to see my jokes? Now you got what you wanted, are you satisfied?" Yuan Yujie's expression was crazy, her face was twisted and deformed, and it was ugly.

The old lady sneered lightly and sneered: "Do you know why you end up like this? Because you never thought of relying on yourself, but relying on a man to live. A man is a tree, and you are the vine on the tree. When the tree dies, The vine will die too."

"I'm different from you. I can live just as well without a man. What about you, you can't live without a man!"

The old lady satirized for a while, and she was almost out of anger, so she didn't want to face this pair of dogs and men again, and said to Gu Yunchuan, "Let's go!"

But there were a lot of reporters jammed outside, and they were getting more and more crowded, asking questions one after another.

Gu Yunchuan asked Huo Jinzhi to take the old lady away first. He had to chat with the reporters, and Gu Yunchuan started talking without the reporters asking questions.

"The law is fair, and I am very satisfied with the judge's decision. I also hope that Anjie Pharmaceutical Factory can return the compensation as scheduled. There is also Qixue Cream, no, it has now been renamed Zhang's Scar Removal Cream, which has been on the market within a month. Qixue Cream must be recycled, and if there are still Qixue Cream being sold in the market, I will sue Anjie Pharmaceutical Factory again.”

Gu Changan's face was blue and white, and he didn't fall down after holding on, but his eyes turned black.

The trend is gone, he is about to go bankrupt.

With so many liquidated damages and so many indemnities, he couldn't make up all the money he sold. This rebellious son was too cruel, and it was all instigated by Zhang Xuemei.

"Mr. Gu, you and Mr. Gu Chang'an from Anjie Pharmaceutical Factory are blood-related grandparents. Do you really want to do this?" a reporter asked.

"Blood relationship is very important? All humans are descendants of orangutans, and they are also related to orangutans. Would you like to marry an orangutan?" Gu Yunchuan asked.

The reporters burst into laughter. Although this statement is far-fetched, it also makes sense. It is true that blood relationship is not the umbrella for everything. If you break the law, you will still be prosecuted.

Gu Chang'an's face was even more ugly, and he couldn't stand a little bit. He tried his best to support him. He couldn't show weakness in front of Nizi and the old woman.

Gu Yunchuan didn't say much, but just borrowed the reporter's mouth to express his determination to the lawsuit. He had to ask for money, and even more so from the pharmaceutical company, and he would not let go of a penny.

"Yunchuan, I am your grandmother, don't be deceived by Zhang Xuemei!" Yuan Yujie cried.

"There is only one grandmother of mine, and I don't know you."

Gu Yunchuan replied coldly ~www.readwn.com~ and walked over to Huo Jinzhi. The reporters also dispersed. Today's material is enough for them to write an ups and downs article.

After that, Tang Xiaonan heard Huo Jinzhi talk about it intermittently, but Gu Changan did not give up and appealed to the Intermediate People's Court. The result was that the original judgment was upheld, and Gu Changan had to lose money.

The sky-high liquidated damages made Gu Changan directly bankrupt. The shops and collections were sold, as well as Yuan Yujie's jewelry, all of which were sold.

However, Gu Changan and Yuan Yujie moved back to Songcheng. The consumption abroad was too high, and their money was not much. They were only ordinary people abroad.

"That pharmaceutical factory is still owned by Gu Changan? He refuses to sell it?" Tang Xiaonan asked curiously.

Huo Jinzhi sneered, "That old man is quite stubborn, and refuses to sell it. I guess he wants to make a comeback."

"Then what should we do? Isn't this lawsuit for nothing?"

"If you don't fight for nothing, there are so many compensations, and the pharmaceutical factory can't sell it or not. At most, it will be delivered by this old man in a month." Huo Jinzhi had a plan.

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