Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1630: Huo Jinzhi

"That boy is a famous person in our school. His name is Huo Jinzhi. He is going to go abroad at public expense. The girl should be a freshman, maybe the sister of Senior Huo."

Some senior students recognized Huo Jinzhi and the freshmen, with admiration and admiration.

Although Huo Jinzhi didn't show up very often in school these years, there were often legends about him in the school, some said he was a prostitute, some said he was a wealthy son, there were different opinions, but everyone felt that Huo Jin's family background must be extraordinary.

Imperial City University is a mixed bag. Although there are many students from poor mountain villages, there are also many students from very good backgrounds, and their vision is naturally extraordinary. It can be seen that Huo Jinzhi's clothes are expensive, and some of them are even scarce.

Because of this, Huo Jinzhi got along with a bunch of **. He helped these sons buy rare items, and these people helped him get approval slips, and everyone got the money.

This is also one of the reasons why Huo Jinzhi wasted time to come to God Capital University, to expand his network of contacts.

In terms of wealth, the imperial capital may not be comparable to Songcheng, but in terms of power, no one can compare to the imperial capital. There are too many dignitaries at the feet of the emperor. If a brick is smashed, it can smash the feng shui treasure of three fourth-rank officials.

Imperial Capital University, as the highest institution in the country, naturally gathered a lot of powerful children. In Huo Jinzhi's eyes, those people were all money, so how could he let them go.

After staying at the school for three years, he got along well with many children of the powerful. Although his interests were tied together, he also had some affection. Huo Jinzhi asked these friends to help take care of Tang Xiaonan in the future.

Tang Xiaonan felt the fiery gazes shot from all directions, definitely not looking at her, she was not that beautiful.

"Brother, you are so popular in school? Many people look at you, all of them are girls." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile, and a little bit of ridicule.

Many of those hot eyes were from girls.

"do not know."

Huo Jinzhi didn't raise his eyebrows, grabbed Tang Xiaonan's shoulders, avoided a large wooden box, and almost hit Tang Xiaonan just now.

"I am sorry……"

A plainly dressed girl kept apologizing, with plateau red on her face~www.readwn.com~ Tall and strong, with a plain appearance, beside her was a middle-aged man in plainer clothing, who was a bit like a girl, but The man looked even more vicissitudes of life, carrying a large red lacquered wooden box on his shoulders, with a few pieces of paint falling off in several places, and it was full of potholes.

The girl also carried a patched cloth bag on her body. She was wearing a floral shirt and black trousers. She also had two braids, but her hair was thin and sparse, and the braids were thin and yellow. .


Tang Xiaonan smiled, this father and daughter's family background is obviously not very good, now it's the first year, the living conditions in the countryside like Z province are much better, they will buy decent clothes and guys when they go out, at least they have to buy A suitcase is light, convenient and good-looking, but carrying a large wooden case is heavy and heavy, which is too inconvenient.

The accent sounds like it's from the northwest, and it's not easy to be admitted to the University of God.

The girl looked envious. It was the first time she had seen a beautiful and fashionable city girl like Tang Xiaonan, who spoke nicely, softly and softly, and the boy beside her, who looked so good-looking, even better than the most handsome young man in the village. , it just doesn't look good.

But she was very kind to her sister, her eyes were so gentle, much stronger than her brothers.

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